
Saturday, December 10, 2011


And the place which may seem like the end
may also be the beginning.


  1. Great video, thanks! We're leaving for NO soon. Can't wait! Hope you and yours have a joyous and blessed Christmas.

  2. That was beautiful Roland. Thanks for brightening my day :)


  3. What a novel way of looking at things. You've brightened up my Sunday.

    That was lovely words that you left on my blog. You're a great friend Roland and you're up there with the best!

    BTW I'm wondering if you saw my review on my blog (previous post to the one you commented on) or on Amazon?

    Cheers my friend. I hope you're polishing up the baubles for Victor and Alice to intrigue us for our next challenge for RFWer.


  4. Love it. (=
    You're a man with heart oozing out your ears. (=

  5. It often is hard to tell what's the start and what's the end - something that applies with story plots as well as life, I find.

  6. Oh Roland, one of my most favourite songs. Thank you.

  7. Kittie :
    I hope you enjoy your visit to the Big Easy. Just don't stand at the corner of Royal and St. Peter's at twilight! Meilori's can get a bit ... frisky. LOL.

    Donna :
    Seeing a comment from you here always brightens my day. Glad I return the favor.

    Denise :
    I didn't see the review on your blog but did for the one on Amazon. Thanks so very much. And there you have 10 entries. How cool is that?

    Lydia :
    Thank you for thinking so.

    Jo :
    Victor says if that is the case, I should pull my Stetson down low - he's got a weak stomach. This from a kid who eats out of dumpsters!

    Patsy :
    How true. In life and in good fiction, there are no "Happy Ever After" - just another bend in the on-going road!

    Talli :
    Thank you for visiting and caring enough to stay to chat!

    Sarah :
    Somehow I always think of Christmas when I hear Judy Garland singing this song. Thanks for staying to chat now and last post!
