
Thursday, June 21, 2012



The lovely Hart Johnson has me at her blog today:

You'll get to see some of the beautiful interior illustrations to END OF DAYS by Leonora Roy ... and have to put up with my boring drivel as DayStar puts it!

Not boring at all is Hart's visit with Talli Roland. Give sparkle to your day and visit them:

Victoria Smith and Jaycee DeLorenzo are hosting the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Blog Hop!

Once I saw the instructions for this hop, I knew I had to join:

Interview a heroine of your manuscript, novel, or WIP by a fellow female counterpart also from one of your written works. Your featured heroine can be interviewed by her best friend, a heroine from another one of your written works, a sister, the opportunities are endless!


I circled Maija Shinseen as she likewise circled me. We were in her throne room of her inner sanctum, Kumonosu-jō.

She translated it as THRONE OF BLOOD. She lied. It meant "Spider Web Castle."

Maija caressed the remote triggering devise in her hand with her too-long fingers.

"Answer my questions truthfully, ghoul, or I will detonate the bomb I have placed in your beloved Meilori's."

I nodded silently, biding my time.

"Good. A new law says you have to change your name to match your personality. What would you call yourself?"

I smile, showing my sharp teeth. "Ice."

Maija frowned, "What is your greatest fear?"

"I have suffered it and endured: the death of my only love."

Maija slowed her circling. I matched her, knowing that her pet spider was creeping up from behind me. She murmured, "If you had a theme song, what would it be?"

Thanks to my love's incessant humming of the tune, I had the perfect answer as I showed more of my sharp, sharp teeth. "HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF."

With my ghoul's hearing, I heard the silk scuttling of giant spider legs behind me as Maija smiled, "If you wrote an autobiography of your life, what would the title be?"

As I turned to mist, letting Maija's giant spider lunge through me, I murmured, "THE QUICK AND THE DEAD."

I watched Maija scream as her spider sank its fangs into her squirming body. The detonator skittered to my re-formed feet. I picked it up, humming "HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF."


  1. This is great, Roland! I love your hero and heroine's pics at the top by the way ;) Awesome concept and how you conducted your interview was INTENSE!!! It was great to see Alice :D

  2. This was brilliant Roland. Alice sure knows how to pick the right answers =)

  3. Thank you, Victoria!
    You had such a great idea for a blogfest that I had to join in. Alice and Victor have their share of colorful enemies! So I used one of their deadliest to make sure the interview wasn't boring. Glad to see it wasn't for you.

    Your praise makes my morning! Alice is not only sharp-toothed but quick witted, too! LOL.

    Alice has kept her sanity over the decades with her macabre humor. I'm happy you got a smile out of it! Roland

  4. Wow, what awesome, quick answers!

    Hungry Like the Wolf? Wild, but sounds appropriate for your girl.

    Thanks for participating!

  5. What a very clever interview on your part, having them stay in character like that. Well done! I saw your interview over at Hart's. Such an inspiring memory of learning to love books. Wish I could remember what my inspirations were, because I just gobbled up books. Didn't follow any particular author, I guess.

  6. Loved the suspense created by the spider sidling up behind our heroine with its "scuttling silk legs". Eeek! "Ice" didn't freeze when she had to bring it.

  7. Jaycee:
    When you hear a giant spider scutttling behind you, sometimes your mind goes into overdrive!!

    Yes, Alice has a unique "eating" disorder being a ghoul!

    Thanks for thinking it clever. I wanted to do something different than just your average interview.

    I was a lonely bookworm with books and their authors my only friends. I think that is why my favorites stick in my mind. Thanks for following over from Hart!!

    Love your witty take on Alice's self-given nickname! Spiders are not my favorite things!! I can only imagine the willies a giant one would give me!!!!

  8. Sharon:
    Thanks. Alice Wentworth was less than pleased with it. She gave me a piece of her mind about it, threatening to take a piece of my mind with her teeth if I put her through something like that again!!

  9. Wow, that sure was a different way to do the 'interview'. Very nice.
