
Thursday, July 18, 2013


  English weather and landscape were essential to Jane Austen's romances.  I wonder what she would have made of Hurricane Katrina?

Anne Hathaway in Becoming Jane: Paula Byrne's book looks at Jane Austen's life through objects.

Anne Hathaway in Becoming Jane

On this day in 1817 Jane Austen died, at the age of forty-one.

She had been increasingly ill over the previous year and a half, probably from a hormonal disorder like Addison's Disease.

Austen's devoted older sister, Cassandra, inherited all the author's papers, from which she expurgated some but not all of Jane's enduring wit and one-liners:

"Many thanks for your kind care for my health; I certainly have not been well for many weeks, and about a week ago I was very poorly.

I have had a good deal of fever at times, and indifferent nights; but I am considerably better now and am recovering my looks a little, which have been bad enough - black and white, and every wrong colour.

I must not depend upon being ever very blooming again. Sickness is a dangerous indulgence at my time of life."
  • Letter to Fanny Knight (1817-03-23) [Letters of Jane Austen -- Brabourne Edition]
Jane Austen was the Rosetta Stone for the character of the undead Victorian ghoul, Alice Wentworth:

I thought it would be interesting to counter-play theVictorian sensibilities with the character of a young woman trapped into the life of a ghoul.
Would her Jane Austen fire and wit be able to contend with the deadly world of supernatural predators unleashed by Hurricane Katrina?
The answer is given through the eyes of Alice in the audiobook, END OF DAYS, soon to be released.
Watch for it.  And give it a listen.  You will be astounded by the proper Jane Austen tone Francene Lockett gives Alice in even the most horrific of situations. 
There's even a chance to win a Stephen King autograph on his book, ROSE MADDER.


  1. I never knew you based Alice off Jane!That totally makes me want to reread your books now.

  2. Interesting, Roland. It's good background info to know what inspires a character. A British accent is a totally acceptable one for Alice.

    Hope things are going well and the heat isn't too bad. I came through Louisiana in July once and I remember hot and muggy.

  3. Heather:
    Thanks. Alice is complex just as Jane Austen was ... or that is how I tried to make her!

    I thought a proper Victorian cursed with being a ghoul an interesting counter-play of drives. Alice just growled at me that "interesting" doesn't come close to describing it!!
