
Saturday, January 4, 2014


That's a lot of visitors!
I didn't do it alone.  I had friends:
She did a great review of my book on her blog just a few days ago.
Wendy of

Also did a grand post on my DEATH IN THE HOUSE OF LIFE
(I remember direct messaging her as
a fierce earthquake was rocking her
I was really worried for my friend then!)

Sekhmet at Louvre in Paris, by DG Hudson
She has constantly had my back.
(We share a love of Paris, Jazz,
Fitgerald, and Egyptian artifacts!)
Alex Cavanaugh

has been gracious to let me guest a couple of times
on his blog.

And to let the ghost of Mark Twain kidnap him, too!
There are so many friends who have enriched
my life and my blog!

Thank you
each and every one
of you!
Each of my visitors who comment mean
so much to me.
I hope I have entertained and helped a bit
in some small way.
May 2014 be THE YEAR
for all of us.
Oh, the ghost of Mark Twain is frowning
at me --
Please buy my ... Ouch!
Our book:


Just because I wanted some magic:


  1. Elephant's Child (my newest follower), Vesper, David Walston, J E O'Neil, Wendy Tyler Ryan (genius behind my book trailers), Leonora Roy (genius behind my covers), Michael Di Gesu (who helped me with the cover of THE BEAR WITH 2 SHADOWS), VR Barkowski (who was the very first blogger to follow me!) Siv Maria (who always has my back), Jo Schaffer (who sent me a frame for a photo of Gypsy when she died), Ann Best (who teaches me daily what a champion is) and so many others have enriched my life are the reasons my blog is what it is.

    And I know I have left some truly important people off this list, but I am working solo this weekend, and my mind is mush!!


  2. As I was just laying my head on my pillow, the ghost of Mark Twain thumped my head, "Jeremy Hawkins, you heathen! You didn't name him! Or Wordscrafter! Son, what is in that head of yours?"

  3. Thank you for mentioning me, Roland. Especially in such esteemed company!

    All the very best. You'll be at #1 yet. That I am sure :)

  4. Always happy to highlight genius!
    Congratulations on so many visitors. They come here with good reason, my friend.

  5. Wendy:
    You're esteemed to me! What with the lack of sales for HOUSE OF LIFE, I think #1 is in another galaxy for me! :-)

    I'm a genius at getting into trouble. Does that count? And I forgot Denise Covey and Gwen Gardner, too! I know my mind is too fatigued to think of some important others. Have a great New Year!

  6. Happy New Year to YOU, Roland. May it be your best ever. "Never give up, never surrender!" - Galaxy Quest

  7. I, too, thank you for including me in such great company. That's funny that Twain thinks of it as his book, too!

    Congrats on the stats.. . I second what Milo says. Never give up. I like that motto. Nice to know Michael helped with a cover for you, and Wendy with the trailers. I'm pleased to be counted among your many-talented friends.

  8. Milo:
    Love GALAXY QUEST! And I knew I was forgetting important names. Thanks, Milo!!

    Twain thinks it's mostly his! And maybe some of Captain Sam's. Me? I'm just the chronicler of their adventures!

    You are definitely one of the major Musketeers. Me? I'm just D'Artagnan! Ouch! Twain just kicked me again.

    More like limping to the half-way mark! Thanks for visiting and commenting. It means a lot!

  9. you have amazed and enlightened me over the time you and i have met. i think with as little as i do read, i get the most from your tellings. now don't get me wrong i enjoy many of the reading, but your works are very thought provoking... i cannot shout enough, to anyone who might hear.

  10. Congratulations! That's very impressive. Your dedication to blogging is inspiring to us all. Have a great 2014.

  11. I have been (and am) so grateful for the warmth, the wonder and the magic I have found in the blogosphere. Thank you for adding to it.

  12. And who still follows you, although doesn't get into the blogosphere near as often as she'd like. :)

    A third of a million visitors? Wow! Congratulations on all of your achievements, Roland. As Einstein said, "Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible."

    VR Barkowski

  13. Jeremy:
    You're very nice to think and say so!

    Thank you for the congrats. May your New Year be wonderful!

    Elephant's Child:
    This blogging community is so healing. We're in a great cyber-neighborhood!

    Absurb -- that's my Impossible Dream all right. I always look forward to your comments!!
