
Sunday, February 23, 2014


... and to his friends.

D.G. Hudson, in the footsteps of Sean at the Midlist Writer , has written a fine post about my recent cancer surgery and some of my books.
  But enough about me.  What do you think of me? 
Just kidding.
While great joy makes us love the world, it is great pain that makes us understand it.
The ghost of Mark Twain tells me that your whole life shows in your face, so then live as to like the reflection you see in the mirror.
I know I would like D.G.'s face from the part of her life she has shared with me.  In like manner, I know I would like the faces of all of you have been so kind to me these past few days.
Tomorrow I start a 7 day work week to re-pay my work-friends who have pitched in to help me these past 5 days. 
And I cannot walk across my apartment without my legs trembling and my head spinning.
As so many times in my past, I will do what I must ... and with the Father's help succeed.
Please visit D.G.'s blog so that the number of her visitors will not go down because she is being kind to a friend.
Thanks to all of you.  :-)


  1. I will visit her after this! Your friends really stepped up for you.

  2. Alex:
    Yes, my friends have certainly stepped up for me. I am humbled by their friendship.

  3. Likewise. I shall mosey on over!

    Take care, Roland.

  4. Hugs.
    I am glad that you have found so many people who reciprocate your empathic and caring nature.
    Off to visit one of them now...

  5. Keeping you in prayer during this difficult time, partner. I'll spread the word.

  6. Elephant's Child:
    I am glad that I have made friends as warm and caring as you. :-)

    I awoke from my pain-fitful sleep to discover you had googled and FB D.G.'s gracious post on me. It made the pain ebb back in reading it. Thank you, Roland

  7. On my way, D.G.'s, Roland. Be well and take care.

    VR Barkowski

  8. VR:
    Will do! Thanks for visiting D.G. Have a great new week yourself.

  9. Perhaps adversity shows to a man who his true friends are... I'm glad that you have so many true friends. I've been thinking of you, Roland, all the time. Get healthy and be well.

  10. Thanks for the mention, Roland. That post will stay up for a couple of days or so.

    Good Luck with getting back to work. Move slowly and no dancing. . .Hope you don't have to drive.

  11. Hi, Roland,

    I'm sure nobody feels that you owe them anything. You are so giving. Don't over-extend yourself to give back. That's counter productive; we all want you to focus on healing. May the pain and discomfort keep subsiding.

    I laughed out loud when I read Twain's quote comparing man to a jackass.

    Keep faith.
    Prayers and love,

  12. On my way to visit her blog.

    Please rest today and let your body heal.

  13. Glad to see you're back online so soon. Here's to a quick recovery!

  14. Thank you, Vesper.

    No dancing. Check. :-) You have been a stellar friend during these dark time!

    There's a reason I made Mark Twain my traveling companion in GHOST OF A CHANCE! Now, I will try to attempt this first day of work! Inch by inch and it's a cinch!

    I will try to finish today without it finishing me! Thanks for the concern.

    Thank you for the buy-a-thon post! Folks are taking you up on the idea. Every little bit helps me pay these atrocious medical bills. :-)

    Think good thoughts of me today as I attempt my first day back at work, looking like the mummy!

  15. Wishing you step-by-step, day-by-day recuperation as you deal with this. It is when a man is at his worst that true friends are at their best. Not sure if that is a claimed quote, but it seems relevant :-)

  16. D.G. is indeed a lovely friend Roland. I'm happy to hear the surgery went well and you are recuperating. You can't keep a good man down as they say. Take it easy my friend.

    Prayers and thoughts, Roland.


  17. None of that sounds fun. I hope the spinning stops soon.

  18. I've added a little note about you at the end of my current blog post Roland.

  19. Roland! I've been thinking about you!!!

    How epic... all of this. But you're such a light and such an example. I'm so proud of your strength and ability to push onward. Take it easy... as easy as you can... and thank you for each update. <3

  20. Be well Roland. I know you will get through this because you always do. Some day maybe life will treat you kinder.


  21. Angela:
    It does seem a relevant quote, doesn't it? :-)

    I guess I am stubborn! Thanks for putting a note on my on your latest post.

    J E:
    The spinning at least gives me the illusion of movement! :-0

    I am grieved that you went through such a scary time yourself!

    The Father has seen me through so far. At least my life is never boring!! :-)

  22. Praying for you, and hoping that your recovery is swift and complete!

  23. Tyrean:
    You're so very kind to be concened and to pray for me. It is appreciated! May the Father smooth the road before you! :-)

  24. Dearest friend, as you know I don't really blog anymore, but I do drop in sometimes to see my friends. I saw Denise's post, and came over to tell you that my prayers are with you. I know you know how adversity is the means to help us learn about ourselves. The Father wants us to help each other, and this is the how he does it: by giving us challenges. He does help us through the difficult times. You are a man of great faith--and a great writer. As someone here said, take it slow getting back to work! Take care!!
