
Saturday, February 15, 2014


Miley Cyrus kicked off her highly-anticipated 'Bangerz' tour on Valentine's Day
by whizzing down a giant tongue slide.

If Miley Cyrus is a mirror to society ... what does it say of us?

I don't blame Miley.  She is reaping $Millions by acting out her issues, her rebellion, and her narcissism.

She is a little girl given too much too soon, and it eroded what little substance she had.

Like a minister's daughter gone wild, thinking she is being original and free, Miley is becoming tiresome.

But look at the paying crowd in her audience.

‘It's almost punk rock to like me because it's not the right thing to do,’ Miley Cyrus told Cosmo. ‘Like, society wants to shut me down.’

The headlines blare about her, and the oxygen of their publicity

 feeds the fires of her narcissim and her career. 

Madonna did it before her.  Marilyn before Madonna.  Marlene Dietrich before them all.

But copies of copies fade with each repetition. 

You can use the same tea bag only so many times before the tea becomes insipid, worthy of only being spit out.

Has Miley Cyrus become the perfect epitome of society’s moral failings?

Where are the beautiful voices?  Is it all about sex and coming out in your underwear?

Miley, smoking weed and twerking the behinds of midgets, has become a bad joke of perversion.

I mean, treating little people as objects of mockery laced with sexual perversion?

Am I the only one to think that performance was in extremely bad, dysfuntional taste?

Kanye West raps about his sex life with Kim Kardashian in his new remix of DRUNK IN LOVE.

We blame society for wrongs that we see in our world, yet we do nothing to fix them.

And that's the essence of the problem:

We forget that society is made up by us.

Each person influences society, just as a rock dropped in a pool sends out ever-widening ripples.

We tend to forget how powerful we are, how powerful our influence can be ... perhaps to only one person ...

but if we influence one person to strive to be whole emotionally, and she, in turn, influences another ....

America loves to be shocked. Whenever something sensational happens, we talk about it, watch it, listen to it.

This post reflects that.

The things we regard as sensational are more often negative than positive.

We reward people for sinking to the lowest common denominator.

It's about who can have the most provocative dance moves or the most tattoos.

The media covers these topics because they know it'll bring in lots of readers and viewers, and thus lots of money.

Not much is written about who dressed the classiest or who wrote a Nobel Prize-winning novel.

We have taught ourselves that attention is to be coveted, and that it doesn't matter how we achieve that attention, as long as we get it ...

look at all those inane celebrity selfies.

Why take the long path to fame -- through hard work and dedication --

when you can get there so much easier by singing some lewd lyrics, fondling teddy bears and sledgehammers,

and riding down giant tongue slides?

We must be the change we wish to see in the world.


  1. Funny, as I read this my daughter has Hannah Montana Sleepwear. Granted I did not buy it for her they were given to us by our neighbors as hand me downs from their two daughters. This brings me to your point of nothing is new under the sun. Everything is recycled, it is what you do with it that makes the difference.

  2. David:
    Poor Miley. She wanted to break away from the Disney image and took a dip in the Look At Me Pool

    Yes, everything old is new again. :-)

  3. Miley Cyrus whizzing down a giant tongue slide ... is an image I do not wish to dwell upon!

    I'm right with you on this, Roland. We live in a world of egotists where 'me me' has taken on a whole new meaning.

  4. Fifteen minutes of fame seems to be insufficient now. And any attention if good.
    Sad and bad.
    I am glad to say that Miley and her ilk barely come onto my radar screen. And suspect this is true of many.
    And yes, (a resounding yes) to doing the best we can in our own pools.
    Hugs for the forthcoming surgery. I will be thinking of you.

  5. I haven't seen the midget thing, and I now want to avoid it like the plague.

    I try to pay no attention to Miley C and her ilk, which ain't easy when the media keeps focusing on such minor celebs who are famous primarily for being shocking. As Oscar Wilde said: "She wore too much rouge and not enough clothes; that is always a sign of despair in a woman."

    Like you say, we forget our own power and the influence we as individuals can have. That is so true.

  6. Hollywood Celebrity Syndrome. That must be it - they all seem to get it.

    Perhaps PT Barnum should return.

  7. I agree with you and Gandhi, Roland. The gene pool seems to get shallower with every generation.

  8. I too agree with you and Gandhi. We have to be the change. When I was young, it was civil rights, voting rights, assassinations, and war,serious stuff that is still going on. How in the world can we expect young people to stand up and fight for what's right when they are exposed to the stuff you mention above. Love the teabag analogy.

  9. Wendy:
    The symbol for today's generation is the wide, vacant smile of a Selfie. Sigh. Yes, I am glad I did not see Miley sliding down that giant tongue slide!

    Elephant's Child:
    As Gandhi urged: we must make our lives green with hope and kindness so that our part of the world is the better for our being there!

    The 19th is almost here. I never had a surgeon who didn't meet with me before surgery or tell me what to expect. It does not bode well for his professionalism. Sigh.

    Leave it to Oscar to say it with style and wit. I loved writing him in my DEATH IN THE HOUSE OF LIFE.

    I set the parameters I want in and thankfully am spared Miley, Britney, and others who mistake bumping and grinding for music. Wish me luck this 19th.

    Sadly, many in the limelight never seem to get over that syndrome, sowing seeds of discord wherever they go. I hope your Word problem is soon solved!

    Gandhi died living a life of wisdom, love, and giving. Will Miley leave that kind of legacy?

    Yes, our souls seem to be fading away with each passing generation as if the harsh light of selfishness is dimming the vibrancy of our existence. Sigh.

    I, too, remember when songs were ABOUT subjects of worth: Joan Biaz, Bob Dylan, Enya -- even Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson appealed to longings of the heart not hunger of the loins.

    I hope your ribs are steadily improving. Think healing thoughts for me on the 19th!

    Please, Mr. Custer, I don't want to go!! :-)

  10. Shelly:
    Thanks. The ghost of Gandhi counsels understanding and patience to me! Think healing, positive thoughts for me on the 19th!

  11. I Can't remember the song this line is from, but it's familiar, Roland -in your reply to Inger.

    "Please, Mr. Custer, I don't want to go!!" I can understand that.

    No ever wants to go to surgery, except for the starlets that are looking for a makeover.

    WORD now operational, but email is being difficult. I've lost all my email addresses. . .and cannot receive currently in the switch to the new pc. A big black hole of technology. . .I don't give up easily.

  12. How strange, Roland. I just finished writing my post for tomorrow and it's not only on an analogous topic, it also mentions Miley, the Kardashians, and I throw in Justin Bieber for good measure. Great minds as they say. Your post is much better, of course. Wish I'd seen it fist.

    Thinking of you. Sending both healing energies and wishes for a rapid recovery.

    VR Barkowski

  13. Very nicely said ... I especially like "But copies of copies fade with each repetition" ... and yet there are always new generations emerging for whom the copy is seen and embraced not as a copy but as something new. Oy. What can you do?
