
Thursday, February 20, 2014


But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
–Isaiah 40:31
My mother had a unique view of those verses --
Trusting in the Lord didn't always mean you would soar on wings like eagles. 
Sometimes you would only be able to walk and not faint.
But the Lord would still get you to where you needed to be.
Long ago, I had a comic store in the Mall. 
I thought of myself as the friend of all my young customers.  If they needed a few minutes of time to bleed emotionally, I was there for them.  If they needed a laugh, I would try to provide that. 
If they were a few cents short of what they wanted, they still got it -- maybe with a little extra something, for my childhood had been impoverished ... materially.
I had never met my surgeon before yesterday. 
I was terrified but joking nonetheless. 
A bearded smile appeared beneath strangely familiar eyes as the surgeon said, "Still making people laugh, aren't you, Mr. Roland?"
He was one of my young customers grown up.  I had a friend weilding the scalpel on my face.  And I knew the Father has his own sense of Karma ... and humor.

It helped to have a friend to talk to as he cut into my nose and forehead -- yes, I was conscious the whole time!  Brrrr.

And to make sure I realized He was at my side, the Father had the nurse to my friend be named ... Angelina.  :-)
My head is spinning constantly.  But that is all right.  I always wanted to travel -- now, I can do it in one spot!
I am swollen and hurting over my whole face.  But my young customer, now a skilled surgeon, has gotten all the cancer.
I will have a doozey of a scar on my forehead by my right temple. 
I will tell everyone it is a dueling scar, and you should see the other guy!
The doctor did not have to do a skin flap -- only a skin graft. 
Now, I will no longer be able to say "NO SKIN OFF MY NOSE."  :-)
I will have to be careful with the skin graft.  I haven't yet worked up the courage to take off the bandage on my forehead or nose.  I will have to do the forehead today.  The nose tomorrow.
I am so nauseated, I fear I will vomit, but I cannot bend so that is out.
I am so weak and shaky that I have to take care walking. 
I forgot to buy Q-Tips last night so I will have to be very, very careful later today and drive and buy some.
Freddie, my friend and supervisor, who saved me when the gas in my car was siphoned as Hurricane Rita headed straight for our city --
He drove me to the clinic, showed up worried just as I emerged from the surgery, and drove me home, getting me something to eat on the way. 
The landlady of my apartment complex was waiting in the parking lot to help me up the stairs.  I guess I have more friends than I thought. 
An hour later Freddie picked up my medication for me, along with creams and an ice pack (my new best-est friend).
All your positive thoughts, prayers, and emails helped.  The Father will not leave us orphans in the storm.
Michael di Gesu
is having corrective eye surgery from a prior lasik procedure.  A scraping of cells that got caught under the flap they lift to laser the eye. 
He is, of course, quite apprehensive.  Pray for him.  Send healing thoughts to him in Florida.
The pains are getting worse for me the longer I sit up, but I have to sleep in a recliner. 
I should head to that recliner now.  There is a funny story to that recliner but that must come at another time!  :-)
Thank you D.G., Inger, Shelly, Lara, Hart, Michael, Alex and, of course, Sean McLachlan  who suggested a Buy-A-Thon for my books.
Thank all of you who have commented on my last post, letting me know I was not alone although in the dark of the soul, it always feels that way.
Thanks to Nilanjana's mother who provided me with an uplift and the title to this post, and Yolanda who pierced my pain and medicated brain by pointing it out to me.  :-)


  1. I'm so glad to hear that the surgery went well and about the amazing providence that your surgeon was someone you knew.

    I'll pray you heal quickly and the pain is "manageable."

  2. I, like many others, was thinking about you yesterday. Glad to hear the surgery went ok and it must have been reassuring that the surgeon was someone known to you. All the best for your recovery.

  3. Connie:
    Thanks for being my latest follower. It went better than I feared. The skin my surgeon cut from my temple he was able to use for the skin graft on my nose, so he didn't have to cut from another area of my body!

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers yesterday. I still need the prayers as does Michael. Thank you for being my friend, Roland

  4. Roland! Good to hear from you so soon. What a blessing it was one of your past customers working on you. Now that is God at work.
    My friend, see if there is someone who can get those Q-Tips for you.
    Praying for Michael today and hope we get a good report from him as well.

  5. Thank you for your generosity in setting our minds at rest.
    I love that your customer metamorphised into your surgeon.
    Karma at its very best.
    Hugs. Gentle cyber ones.
    Rest up as much as you can.
    And of course my best healing fear free wishes are going to Michael too.

  6. That is so awesome how things turned out with the surgeon. Get the rest you need, and remember that you are not alone. When the enemy yells at you, listen for the Fathers still small voice.

  7. Very well said, Roland. Karma revisited. I agree with Alex, get someone else to drive.

    It's great to hear you're managing. You never know when or if an event from your past will show up with payment.

    Thanks for letting us know, I bet Meilori's, the jazz club will be celebrating.

  8. This is a tough one, and I'm wishing you all the best! Lots of prayers being sent your way!

  9. God surely works in mysterious ways. He sent you a bearded angel when you needed one the most. In fact, reading this, it sounds like He surrounded you with several.

    I'll continue to pray for you. I love your courteous spirit and humor.

    Be well.

  10. Alex:
    Yes, indeed, it was the Father at work in my life once again. I got the Q-Tips not wanting to bother anyone. But the woozy drive encouraged me to let someone else do the next trip!

    I am praying for Michael and will be looking for a sign from him, too. I slept most of today -- or dozed fitfully due to the pain.

    Elephant's Child:
    Was that not wonderful about my surgeon? And thanks for the cyber hugs -- we will both pray for Michael!

    I talk to the Father during the day, asking which path to take. And I do hear a still small voice when I do not drown it out with my fears and my desire to hear the answer I want to hear!

    It was a pat on the shoulder from the Father when my surgeon turned out to be one of my old customers. Especially when I had to undergo the surgeries and skin graft CONSCIOUS!!

    My customer morphing into my surgeon was my #7 in the sky omen!

    Yes, Victor Standish yelled, "Ice tea on the house!"

    Alice kicked him in the shin since most of Meilori's customers drink blood!

    Thank you. Recovery will be a challenge. But being conscious during the procedures was a real challenge!! Things are spinning faster now. Time to lay down in my monster recliner. :-)

  11. Elsie:
    Yes, the Father sent me a bearded angel and his nurse's name was Angelina! Now, was the Father trying to tell me something or what?

    Victor grins, "Only you, Roland. Only you!"

  12. A kind soul like you will never be without friends. Thank you for taking the time to let us, your friends, know how you are and what happened. Now get some rest!!

  13. I hadn't heard about this until I saw your post notice today on FB, but it sounds like God is taking care of you, and providing friends too. How awesome that one of your acquaintances all grown up is now a surgeon! Prayers to you as you heal, and cyberhugs.

  14. Inger:
    Taking that rest is where I am headed. I have been trying to put off the pain pill but it is getting worse -- so spinning head, here I come!

    I had to force myself behind the laptop and let you and my other friends know how I was faring.

    Thanks for being my friend, Inger!

  15. Carol:
    Thanks for the cyber-hugs! Now, for the pain pill! Time to try to ignore the pain and rest. Thanks to you and all my friends!

  16. Dearest Roland- I'm so glad that you were sent some comfort during your surgery - and that your friends are coming out in force! Sending you love and prayers that you get back to yourself as soon as possible
    Laura xxx

  17. Laura:
    Thank you. Yes, the Father showed me that I was not as alone as I felt ... no child of the Father ever is ... but sometimes the night grows so dark we forget the light He has given us in the past. Thanks for caring, Roland

  18. And you are blogging when you should be resting!! Seriously! :-) Rest!! Recuperate!! Recover!! Re-something!! Just please please take care and take it easy!!!

    Off I go to visit Monsieur Di Gesu!

    Take care

  19. You're blogging ... already???

    Get to bed and rest, good sir!

    Thinking of you :)

  20. Hey , Roland....

    I shouldn't 't be in line but wanted to let u know how glad I am you're foind well.... Under the circumstances! Thanks for mentioning me.. I really appreciate it ! All went well with me. But, like u, in pain. I literally feel like I have needles in my eye.

    Tomorrow it should be much better. I have my checkup early in the morning.

    Stay well.... Sending you a big cyber bear hug!

  21. Wow, what are the odds? How wonderful that you had a friend in there with you. Good luck with everything. It must be hard to go through all that. Your friends are all here with you :)

  22. What a relief that your surgery went well! You earned good karma with your past kindnesses.

    If you don't mind a word of advice: PLEASE avoid looking at your face over the coming days. The scars will heal and then seriously diminish. What you're seeing now is not what will remain.

    Years ago I had jaw surgery, and it was done through my mouth so there were no facial scars, but for about six weeks, because my jawline had been reshaped, my swollen face looked like it had been hit by a truck. But once I healed all I started checking myself out in the mirror again. You will look gorgeous (as is your soul), especially since scars on a man can be rather glamorous. Big hug to you.

  23. So glad this is behind you. Stay strong and be well. You're in my thoughts.

    VR Barkowski

  24. What an amazing and fortuitous coincidence, having a past customer as your surgeon. I'm glad you came through the surgery okay. I hope when you get around to reading this comment that you are feeling improved, that you're healing, and that you're doing well. I wish I could run out and grab you some Q-tips, but I'm glad you have friends helping you where they're able.

  25. I'm sorry for your pain but extremely glad to read that your friend-surgeon got all the cancer out. What an incredible relief and wonderful stroke of karma that your life was in his hands. Know that your pain will subside and diminish altogether - in time.

    Prayers for you and Michael,

  26. I'm also glad that your surgery was a success! All of your kindness payed off by being sent to such a skillful surgeon. Truly karma at it's best. Sorry that you're in so much pain. Hope you feel better soon. All the best to you, and Michael.


  27. Dear ROland .. so pleased to read all has gone well - and funny how pigeons come home to roost .. with your lovely surgeon and he left his 'pigeon' mark for now .. it will fade!

    Just happy to know you are able to laugh, to go rest when you need to .. lots of that please for a while ..

    Take care and it's good to know people are around taking care of you as best you need for now ..

    Many thoughts and healing wishes - Hilary

  28. That is such a wonderful blessing about the surgeon! Sending you the best of thoughts and hope that you're feeling better soon!

  29. Glad to hear it went well, Roland! I think the idea of telling people it's a duelling scar is awesome. {{hugs}} for a smooth recovery!

  30. I am so pleased to hear your surgery went well and friendly hands operated on you. Wishing you a quick return to painfree normalcy. My mum will be thrilled to hear she's in a blogpost half a world away :) Take care.

  31. Roland, I am so sorry you are going through this in addition to everything else you've been through. My thoughts are with you and I hope you are feeling better soon.

  32. Discovering that your surgeon was someone you had befriended when he was a child must have been awesome. Was it coincidence or synchronicity?

  33. Been keeping you in prayer and will continue.

  34. Godspeed be with you always brother! Delighted to hear your recovering. You have a large & great support group of very good people. I am so happy to see your life blossom, into kindred friend and author. Friend to & of so many, whom you touch all in the unique way that is only You! I have met so many people on this Earth, yet I have never met anyone like you Roland. I have only read of those similar in classic literature. Truly one of a kind with a unique special gift, which you share your life, experiences, work, dreams, schemes, & literature with so freely. Brother you are one of a kind. Never forget such, yes, take time, reflect, in your humble ways, be proud of this fact, as you are and have been. Unique, every breath of which you breathe has been truly EPIC. Keep up the good work, the work, toil, sweat, and blood in all endeavors, which you do as well. Always your friend and brother-

  35. Godspeed be with you always brother! Delighted to hear your recovering. You have a large & great support group of very good people. I am so happy to see your life blossom, into kindred friend and author. Friend to & of so many, whom you touch all in the unique way that is only You! I have met so many people on this Earth, yet I have never met anyone like you Roland. I have only read of those similar in classic literature. Truly one of a kind with a unique special gift, which you share your life, experiences, work, dreams, schemes, & literature with so freely. Brother you are one of a kind. Never forget such, yes, take time, reflect, in your humble ways, be proud of this fact, as you are and have been. Unique, every breath of which you breathe has been truly EPIC. Keep up the good work, the work, toil, sweat, and blood in all endeavors, which you do as well. Always your friend and brother-

  36. Godspeed be with you always brother! Delighted to hear your recovering. You have a large & great support group of very good people. I am so happy to see your life blossom, into kindred friend and author. Friend to & of so many, whom you touch all in the unique way that is only You! I have met so many people on this Earth, yet I have never met anyone like you Roland. I have only read of those similar in classic literature. Truly one of a kind with a unique special gift, which you share your life, experiences, work, dreams, schemes, & literature with so freely. Brother you are one of a kind. Never forget such, yes, take time, reflect, in your humble ways, be proud of this fact, as you are and have been. Unique, every breath of which you breathe has been truly EPIC. Keep up the good work, the work, toil, sweat, and blood in all endeavors, which you do as well. Always your friend and brother-

  37. Godspeed be with you always brother! Delighted to hear your recovering. You have a large & great support group of very good people. I am so happy to see your life blossom, into kindred friend and author. Friend to & of so many, whom you touch all in the unique way that is only You! I have met so many people on this Earth, yet I have never met
