
Sunday, June 29, 2014


Is every police officer in police procedurals corrupt?

Is every politician in nightly TV or movies dishonest?

Then, there is the clergy on TV and in the movies.  Every one a hypocrite or worse.

Really?  How against the law of averages is that?

Or perhaps we should just think of what it means to walk the true path:


  1. That's a lot to think about, Roland! Compassion and caring are missing from a lot of movies. If you display those traits, you must be weak and off your steroids.

    A lot of our principles are formed in childhood. We see what we don't or do like and pattern ourselves in that manner.

    I like Longmire, if he's a person who thinks independently and believes in what he can't dispute. A person can have faith in many things, including the self, science and the unknown or mystical.

  2. D.G.:
    On Sundays, I think about things like that. :-)

    Like you, I sigh at those who confuse cool with character.

    And Longmire is someone I can root for and hope to come close to becoming -- like Spenser or my McCord!

  3. I haven't watched any of the show yet. Just too many. While I do think most politicians are corrupt, I don't believe everyone in the clergy has such a dark side.
    The Guardians of the Galaxy are certainly anti-heroes.

  4. There are certainly corrupt (and even evil) politicians and members of the clergy. As there are everywhere. And those bad apples taint the gene pool.
    And, sadly, make for a 'better' story. Sometimes I think (on darker days) that featuring people of compassion is more unusual - and more dramatic. And would love to see it.

  5. It definitely does seem as if almost every TV show has at least one corrupt cop. There is always a conspiracy of some sort afoot. Great post Roland!

  6. I've never even heard about Penny Dreadful much less watched it. Victorian themes seem to be attractive to audiences these days.

    Hollywood likes to play up every human's weaknesses. I can see the drama of it but all that lost my interest long ago. No, I don't think most are corrupt. I do think that the concept of honor and goodness is in short supply these days.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  7. Faith is not popular. How is that honor is coming into disfavor? And I agree... I am tired of everyone who should be good being bad. Very good summation!

    I had 1 hour of sleep last night and a promise to keep to a friend today. Sigh! Sorry I have not been around.

    I only watch a few shows myself. I am looking forward to seeing the new LONGMIRE tomorrow.

    And I am really looking forward to seeing THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.

    Elephant's Child:
    I answered you and Alex yesterday but Blogger ate it somehow. Sigh. Yes, the corrupt in every field taints the reputation of everyone in it. :-(

    I long for heroes again. It must be the child in me. :-)

    Yes, perhaps honor and compassion are in short supply because those with it are devoured. :-(

    Honor is considered hokey as is faith -- only those lacking in intelligence have those virtues -- at least that is what is often shown -- usually for a laugh.

    Thanks for visiting! :-)
