
Monday, April 6, 2015


"Not again!" groaned Alex Cavanaugh.

He and I were staring out the port hole of the space ship we were on.  

It was not something to write home about unless you were into depressing letters.

Alex spun to me. "It's all your fault!"

"Me?  It's Mark's fault!"

"Me?  Why, son, all I heard was that old Alex here had discovered the fabled Space War Ship, Dragon, which had been lost for nigh onto sixty years."

"It's only a book, Twain!" growled Alex.  "A book!"

There was a purring voice behind us.  

"You mean the Hyrathian Aden Pendar is not in search of a beautiful queen for a bride? 

Is that not why he wishes this Space Ship?  To win himself a bride?

I even brought my fleet to help."

I turned around slowly.  Merde.  It was Princess Aura!


 Alex stiffened, "This is not how I visualized the Dragon!"


A short bear waddled out from the shadows.  Spock Bear!

"Of course not!" he beamed.

"It would not work as you designed it so ...."

Alex threatened the short bear with a long forefinger.  

"So help me if you ran the sewage pipes through the vents like you did with that Klingon ship!"

"Why would I do that?  You are not an enemy."

Alex muttered, "Say that after I wring your stuffing-filled neck!"

Spock Bear sighed,  

"Really, human Cavanaugh.  You must bridle your emotions.  I merely obtained the services of Nikola Tesla to design it so that it would work!"

The tall lanky Serbian chuckled as he walked up to us.  

"Have no fear, Mr. Cavanaugh.  Your idea was quite interesting ... though flawed.  But I, great genius that I am, have modified it."

Mark beamed, "Why, son, old Nikola did such a fetching job that we are on the other side of the galaxy!"

"What?" cried Alex.  "I have my latest book to debut tomorrow!!!"

Princess Aura swayed up to Alex and played with his hair.  "We will be back in plenty of time.  Now, let us play."

"I have a wife!"

Aura smiled evilly.  "What happens in Space stays in Space."

Alex glared at me.  "Roooooland!"





  1. Hopefully still married!!!
    That was great, my friend.
    I do need to be back in time for the launch though. Dozens of Mini-Alexes are waiting...

  2. Alex:
    I am glad you liked being star-napped by the ghost of Mark Twain again. I won't tell Mrs. Alex about Princess Aura. :-) And you will be back in time I promise!!

  3. What a fun, creative way to introduce Alex's Dragon of the Stars book! You've got one hell of an imagination, Roland.

    Oh, and merde... It was indeed you who pointed out on my own blog that a great disguise would be to dress as a function, not a person. Mea culpa. My big bad. And I do stand corrected in the comments section today, my dear.

  4. Helena:
    The ghost of Sherlock Holmes reminded me that I swiped that thought from him --- with a thump on my head with his pipe!

    Thanks for the compliment -- I wanted to make my intro of Alex's book, DRAGON OF THE STARS, distinctive and unique so that readers would read it all and perhaps be tempted to buy his book! :-)

  5. That was fun, but are sure you got the real Alex and not a clone? Ninjas are tricky. Particularly very busy ninjas...

  6. What a fun way to introduce Alex's new book! Is there a whole book tour underway, now?

  7. Hi Roland - such fun .. and I sure hope Alex' wife doesn't find out .. great introduction ...excellent writing .. cheers to you both and good luck Alex ... Hilary

  8. I laughed my head off at Spock Bear Roland. Wonderful visit to the space ship.

  9. Elephant's Child:
    A clone Alex? I think that is what Princess Aura gave me back and kept the real Alex. Uh, sorry, Mrs. Alex!

    Yes, a whole book tour is roaring ahead right now. :-)

    Thanks for the kind words. Uh, I think Alex's wife got back a clone from Princess Aura. Oops!

    Yes, Spock Bear is a hoot. I have one myself. He is full of Vulcan wisdom -- NOT. :-)

  10. Roland, you are one of those people who turns cool into coolness. My first real smile and laugh in the wee morning hours.


  11. Loved this!!! Thank you Roland for the morning chuckle!!!!!

  12. Oh. My. GOD! I am completely awed by your fantasy, Roland! The lack of boundaries on your imagination are completely inspiring- I would never pair historical figures with a sci-fi character with a STUFFED sci-fi character with two crazy bloggers- just brilliant!
