
Saturday, April 25, 2015

V Is How You Scare A Little Kid Spitless

I remember watching V in reruns as a little kid ...

and when that scene came with the good-looking alien woman

stretching her open mouth wide enough to swallow that squirming hamster ...


Sure the special effects seem comical now. 

But it whalloped me as a small boy!!

When the survivor of the death camps explained to the kids spray-painting a V on the Visitors Poster, it impacted me ...

much more than any scene in the reboot of V a few years ago.

Sometimes Story trumps Special Effects, right?


  1. Hi Roland - I don't remember the hamster storyline - though must have seen similar .. just left the room. The V for Victory - interesting clip, especially at the moment and the faces express the horror, the admonition and the remembrances of those days ...

    Dreadful days ... and we still need to learn - Hilary

  2. Hilary:
    Yes, we forget the true horror that Man does to his brothers ... sadly, it is still happening today. :-(

  3. I remember that show. And we eat hamsters all the time on my planet.

  4. Stephen, I'm sending you a whole box of hamsters.
    The original was cheesy, but it was far better than the reboot.

  5. I remember watching the original. I also had high hopes for the reboot. I guess the world isn't ready for V.

  6. Stephen:
    Yes, that show tends to stick in the mind! You do? The furballs must fly at times!!

    LOL. Considering the state of special effects back then -- they tried. The reboot just was anemic.

    Ah, but the Visitors are ready for our world ... at least our water! Cue the spooky music. :-)

  7. I really liked V. If we open our eyes we will learn all kinds of things in the strangest places. :)

  8. Teresa:
    I think that might be the tagline to my THE BEAR WITH TWO SHADOWS! :-)
