
Wednesday, September 23, 2015


On Thanksgiving, 2012, I published THE THREE SPIRIT KNIGHT,

the 4th book in the legend of Victor Standish --

5th if you count END OF DAYS --

the tale told by Alice Wentworth after Victor was killed at the end of THE RIVAL ...

Victor's ghost plays a pivotal part in END OF DAYS.

During the events of THE THREE SPIRIT KNIGHT,

a once more living Victor travels to the dangerous realm beyond the boundaries of Causality ...


Where dreaded demi-gods like

Destiny, Tyme, Thoth, the Undying Ones, and Hermes

bet on whether pivotal humans live or die at nexus points in reality.

Victor, being Victor, has managed to enrage them all by surviving and costing them their sure-fire bets ...

as all reality begins to melt like candle wax.

To keep on living, Victor must elude the demi-gods, the killers they send after him, and the chaos unleashed by his coming back to life.

Piece of cake.  Devil's Food Cake.

Go read it.  I think you will like it.  George Bernard Shaw writes the forward and appears at the end.

But tonight I visited IMDB and saw this trailer with sinking heart:

Don't you hate it when a movie, TV show,
or book
has a similar
concept to your own?


  1. Yes, I've had those Oh Crap! moments too when MY idea or story pops up somewhere else and hits the big time. You must feel like you've been robbed, Roland my dear, because that's been my own reaction. But then your imagination is so fertile you'll outdream and outwrite any measly TV show.

    1. I definitely went "Merde!" when I saw the trailer, but it does look like it might be entertaining. Sigh. But anyone buying my book will now think I lifted the concept from the TV show -- I mean who looks at the publication date of an ebook?

      Thanks for believing in me, Helena. :-)

    2. I've long thought what your experiencing and saying. Many artists great minds often come across or down, the same paths. As were are simply taking dictation, from a Spiritual Medium, as much; Medium's move our pen, not my thoughts? A clip from a Poem I wrote or my spiritual medium guided my pen, rather.

      "There's nothing new we can say,
      Poets hands re-arrange, the flowers of word boquets,
      Offering shelter and a place to stay,
      For homeless thoughts attempting daring escapes." (RDM - 1988)~~

  2. Hi Roland .. I couldn't see the trailer - but yes ... every story has already been told - at least that's what I'm led to believe ... but I quite agree it must have been such a stomach drop moment. Also Helena says it well ... you are there already - it's the rest haven't caught up .. cheers Hilary

    1. Indeed, a stomach-drop moment. But there are worse problems in life, right? Thanks for your friendship and support. :-)
