
Monday, December 14, 2015


Join Captain Samuel McCord with his new bride, Empress Meilori Shinseen, on a one of a kind world cruise

aboard the sky-steamboat, Xanadu, with Mark Twain, 12 year old Nikola Tesla, revenant Benjamin Franklin, the all-too-alive Abraham Lincoln 

(seeking revenge for the death of his wife at the infamous Ford's theater),

General William Tecumseh Sherman

furious over McCord's destruction of his troops before their march through Georgia 

and the Ranger's interference in the peace treaty establishing the Great Sioux Nation,

disgraced former President Andrew Johnson

impeached upon suspicion of his part in the attempted assassination of Lincoln,

Thomas Edison, eager to spot another invention which he can steal and claim for himself,

Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer, fuming at being denied glory and promotion by the inviolate borders of the Great Sioux Nation,

and a host of other dignitaries such as 

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Ada Byron, John B. Stetson -- yes, that one

Rear Admiral David Farragut, 

who hates McCord for humiliating him by keeping him out of the French Quarter in 1862 ...

To which Mark Twain drawls, "Captain Sam, ain't there one person on this here boat who don't hate you?"

"Well, Meilori loves me."

Meilori's sphinx eyes sparkles as she murmurs, "Sometimes."

Welcome to my latest WIP (just on page 5).  

I am having such fun.  Wish me luck.



  1. I wish you all the luck in the world, and no doubt your newest story will be ever so entertaining.

    And I'm not surprised that Edison is looking to steal credit for an invention that's not his.

    1. Edison certainly stole enough of them: the motion picture, the light bulb, and so many others.

      I have managed two more pages, but I am sleepy and chores await me early tomorrow morning. Sigh.

      I am having fun with it and learning sad, ugly truths about Sherman, Grant, Edison, and others.

  2. Replies
    1. On the original passenger list there was room for 150 noted travelers!

      I had fun with such a journey in 1853 with RITES OF PASSAGE -- since I am basically writing for myself these days, I decided to have fun. :-)

  3. Hi Roland - loved reading this and getting to grips with some more dubious shenanigans of those times. The clip was interesting too - I guess those were the days of the agent for so many things.

    Glad you're writing for yourself but you'll make a wonderful story for us too ... cheers and good luck with the rest of the WIP .. Hilary

    1. Wasn't that clip interesting? I hope this does make a story others will enjoy reading. Thanks for the wishes for good luck. I think I will need it! :-)
