
Saturday, April 23, 2016


"From error to error, one discovers the entire truth."
  - Sigmund Freud

Fright usually gives grey hairs, but it had made the hair of the ghost of Sigmund Freud darker.

He cupped his bearded chin in one hand.  "So now we arrive at the Letter T.  What occurred to you when I spoke that letter?"

I said, "Truth."

Sigmund Freud mused, "From error to error, one discovers the entire truth."

Mark Twain snorted,

"We are always hearing of people who are around seeking after the Truth. 

I have never seen a permanent specimen. I think he has never lived. 

But I have seen several entirely sincere people who thought they were permanent. 

Seekers after the Truth. 

They sought diligently, persistently, carefully, cautiously, profoundly, with perfect honesty and nicely adjusted judgment- 

until they believed that without doubt or question they had found the Truth. 

That was the end of the search. 

The man spent the rest of his hunting up shingles wherewith to protect his Truth from the weather."

Freud said, "I continued all my life to expand my knowledge of the truth lurking in the psyches of the bruised."

 Twain smiled sourly, 

"I have not professionally dealt in truth. 

Many when they come to die have spent all the truth that was in them, and enter the next world as paupers. 

I have saved up enough to make an astonishment here."

Freud frowned,

"Do not misunderstand me, Twain.  

We often believe, not on the basis of argument, but upon the basis of desire.  I have striven mightily to avoid that snare."

Mark snorted as he tipped his head to the ghost of Emily Dickinson as she passed.  

"Careful there, Saw-Brains.  No real gentleman will tell the naked truth in the presence of a lady."

Freud gave Mark a look that suggested to me I should have said, "Temper."


  1. Truth is in the eye of the beholder. Because some see lies in the truth. And others seen truth in lies.

    Okay, it's too late for me to get philosophical...

    Liz A. from
    Laws of Gravity

  2. I could tie myself in knots with this one! Very good, Roland. :)

    Susan A Eames from
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  3. I think Temper would have been an easier word to deal with. It's more or less quantifiable. Truth, on the other hand, never is. The Rashomon effect springs to mind.

    I like Freud better with dark hair.

    1. Freud probably did, too! Yes, truth is, indeed, elusive, skimming like droplets of mercury when you try to snatch it up.

  4. There is also Temptation--I think Mark Twain would have had a good time with that.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. Mark had a good time giving in to it as I portray in THE NOT-SO-INNOCENTS ABROAD. :-)

  5. Everyone should be a seeker of truth, but so many rely on others for the discovery and the interpretation. A sad lot those!

    1. Borrowed truth is no truth at all, merely an echo, right?

  6. Such high level thinking from Freud and Twain, I'm impressed. as truth is something that has been discussed and argued throughout history. Temper. on the other hand. doesn't get the same respect.

    1. Those are actual quotes from those men. Truth has been argued about all through history as you say. :-)

      The trouble with losing your temper is that no one else wants it!

  7. Hi Roland - Truth ... we stumble upon it, and then find another path ... Temper comes and causes turmoil ... and depending can be forgotten fairly shortly afterwards, or will reappear again - not helping the owner ..

    Cheers Hilary

    1. The truth changes for all of us as we mature and see the world with clearer eyes, right?

  8. Truth sometimes leave a bad taste but it is still better than lies. Yes, Roland, it is elusive.


    1. Yes, Hank, lies just get us to hurt ourselves! Ouch!
