
Monday, May 9, 2016


{Only $1.99 when you buy the kindle for $2.99!}

"If you're tired of the same paranormal tales - same story different characters - then you've found the right audio book. 

The Last Fae will have you laughing, cheering and weeping for humanity. 

 Author Roland Yeomans takes us inside the psyche of Fallen, the last fae, where we get a tiny glimpse of her immortal life through the ages. 

Hear the tales from Fallen herself, an old soul who has seen the worst of our world and come out the other side.

 Let her tell you her stories that are both tragic and fragile - just like her."

-  Wendy Tyler Ryan

THE LAST FAE is a collection of tales told by a lonely, haunted fae bruised by sexual abuse. 

Like many girls sexually abused, Fallen tends to sexualize everything ...

but still yearns for romantic love though she is afraid to believe in it.

And who is talented enough to voice such a haunted fae?

 Shelley Avellino

          Musician, Singer and Artist. Originally from the UK with a voice like velvet!
She is a British Voice Over Artist with a wide dynamic range.
She can do most British accents and loves to do character voices. 
Shelley's good with any mood and absolutely loves what she does, which comes across in her work.
 She has her own studio, and so Shelley can do a quick turnaround. She's professional, reliable and very easy to work with.    
When you listen to THE LAST FAE AUDIO BOOK whether you buy it at Audible, Amazon, or iTunes, you will be amazed at her vocals!      


  1. Hi Roland - Your Last Fae tales sound really interesting and especially if read by your velvet sounding English lady - so well done ... good luck and cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary. Shelley did a fantastic, riveting job.

  2. This sounds so good! BTW I loved your A-Z posts.
