
Monday, July 25, 2016


No, I'm not talking about the DNC.  Sigh.  We used to have a democracy.  Now all we have is a rigged 3 Ring Circus.

The highlight of summer 2016 hasn’t been any blockbuster movie, at least so far.

 Nope, it’s the pleasant surprise that is the new Netflix series, STRANGER THINGS.

It is set in 1983 and though many have mentioned it is a homage to Spielberg, 

it is really more like Stephen King's STAND BY ME melded to his IT.

It is much more about mood and atmosphere and suspense and dread than it is about gore.

It is also about friendship, being a misunderstood outsider, and first love.

 If you grew up in the ’80s, or just love movies from that era,  

Stranger Things will have you hooked, and you’ll likely binge watch the 8 episodes over one weekend.

Not to worry.  

It tells a complete story while leaving enough unanswered questions to spark another season.




  1. I was just over at Alex Cavanaugh's blog and read his piece about this show--and my comment came right after yours!

    Right now I don't get Netflix, but when I do I'm sure this will be yet another excellent show I've got to check out. Sigh. So many good stories, so little time.

  2. I got Netflix for the new season of Longmire, then, I discovered both seasons of DAREDEVIL. Now, STRANGER THINGS.

    Netflix and Amazon Instant Video is how I watch TV now.

    Thanks for visiting. I always look forward to your comments. :-)

  3. I don't have Netflix only Amazon. I have become so fond of watching videos in my bed before I go to sleep. It's about the only thing I watch now. I liked Michelle Obama last night, that was about it. We really are in trouble as far as politics go. And what does that say about all of us, I wonder.

    1. It says that we keep low to the ground and keep our powder dry. :-) Politics is dirty. To be surprised at whatever politicians do is to be surprised that fire is hot!

      I write my novel in my free time, what little of it there is. It is a world where at least I have some control! LOL.

      Take it easy out in that heat raking. Samson and Faith depend on you, you know!!
