
Friday, January 20, 2017


Take the Dragon Lady



Wrong One.

But if you knew of her struggles in
the small Slovenian railroad town of Sevnica,
you might feel compassion. 

The Right Dragon Lady

In our modern society the strong-willed woman has become desirable,
But our culture's insistence on continuing
to depict her
as a death trap
definitely shows
it remains a conflicted desire.

Femme Fatales are often the Crossroads
where the hero
learns there is more to women
and to life
than the surface.

But having stepped off the precipice into maturity,
 he can never be the same person again.

Femme Fatales have become
relevant again

after being thought tropes of the past.

Fed by digital technology and the Internet ,

desire immediate gratification,

 jumping into adulthood quickly
without always considering
the consequences of their actions.

Used creatively,
the Femme Fatale

can be used to
what it means to be
a whole woman,
a whole man.

As a child, I wanted Flash Gordon to choose
Princess Aura
for the obvious reason.

As an author I had Samuel McCord
choose Meilori Shinseen

and found my novels took on
a depth and a fire

they might not have
with a traditional heroine.

Have you used Femme Fatales
or Bad Boys
in your novels?

And why?

Let me know, will you?


  1. Hi Roland - I haven't written this sort of story, or novel - but I do admire those who do - and I think probably the femme fatales from the past are the best.

    I just hope for peace and thoughtfulness - cheers for quiet weekend! Hilary

    1. Peace and healing to you, too. :-) Thanks for being my friend.

  2. I am very much a fan of using a character as a hero/heroine who may otherwise be seen as a villain. I enjoy reinventing mythology and playing Devil's Advocate with perceived "bad guys and gals". As you said, there is a depth they can bring that your standard or textbook heroes can't.

    1. Anti-heroines and heroes seem more relatable and believable somehow. And we find ourselves rooting for them, don't we?

      Midnight tonight I will post a post on how to ask questions of such heroes in a fun way. :-)

  3. Mmm. I love the original Dragon Lady! Terry and the Pirates was one kick-@$$ strip!

    1. Wasn't it? The original Dragon Lady of Terry and the Pirates was my inspiration for Meilori Shinseen by the way. :-)

  4. Well, Athee was strong willed, but certainly no death trap for Byron.

    1. The fun of using your own version of a femme fatale is you get to pick and choose the aspects that work for your story. :-)

  5. Femme Fatales and Bad Boys will always exist since they live only for themselves, but I'm proud of all those women who have marched on Washington and other cities around the world letting the world know there are strong women everywhere who will fight for their rights. Strong women get my vote against the femme fatales any day! PS - replied to your post a few days ago that I missed. . .

    1. We must stand up for what we believe if America is to persist as the land of the free.
