
Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Lauren Scharhag has written a 
wonderful review 
of this anthology on her blog:

She even liked my short story in the volume 
for which I am truly grateful.

"But, hands-down, the standout for me was 'Sometimes They Come Back,' 

(not to be confused with the Stephen King story/film, and not a reference to it either—at least, not as far as I can tell).

 It’s the tale of an Einherjar 

(soldiers out of Norse mythology) 

who now goes by the name of Caretaker, 

servant to a mysterious Grande Dame in a shadowy underworld that exists uncomfortably close to our own plane of existence. 

Other gods and mythological creatures make appearances, but his closest companion is a humble mouse that rides around in his pocket. 

This story was brilliantly written, and by turns fascinating, funny, and disturbing. 

I was a bit disappointed that it turned into a run-of-the-mill love story—

I could spend a whole book just hanging out with the Caretaker while he tends to his dark duties.

  Don't look for my picture on the book's Amazon page 

(it is a good thing what with my mug!)

But those spotlighted are the true stars of this volume:

Erika Beebe ... Yvonne Ventresca ... Renee Cheung ... Ellen Jacobson ... Tyrean Martinson.

I tip my Stetson to them and to my other illustrious anthologists:
Jen Chandler, Elizabeth Seckman, L. Nehay, Olga Godim, Sarah Foster, and Sean McLachlan! 

Want an idea of what our stories may be like?


  1. Replies
    1. I am greatly pleased Lauren liked my story so. :-) Thanks for sending me the link to her review!

  2. Awesome! Congratulations on release day.
    I liked your story. It oozed with your writing personality.

    1. Well, I certainly have a voice -- not saying it is a good one, mind you. But it is all mine. LOL

  3. Congratulations on a great review.

    1. The review made my day, and after nearly dying on the roads Saturday night as an 18 wheeler hydro-planed beside me, flipping on its side, I needed something to lift my spirits!

    2. Yep. I may be constipated for a few weeks after that!

  4. Happy Release Day, Roland! Like the reviewer, I loved your Caretaker character(and mouse!).

    1. Mouse just blushed under his fur. :-) Great to be in the same anthology as you.

  5. I am so thrilled for you Roland, and I am happy I had a chance to work with you :)

    1. I'm happy I got to know you with this anthology, Erika. :-)

  6. Congratulations and so well deserved, Roland! I will check out your story.

    And take care around those 18-wheelers!

  7. Are you kidding? Your mug definitely deserves to be on the Amazon page and would look great there.
    I think it's really cool that the reviewer featured your story, too. It had this amazing, surreal quality to it and I loved the mystery.
