
Monday, September 25, 2017

STAR TREK DISCOVERY_ What Did You Think of It?


The Discovery premiere feels like a failure to me, 
albeit an entertaining and occasionally epic and ambitious failure.


The first hour aired on CBS this Sunday, with the second hour immediately available on CBS All Access. 

But they’re really one complete story –

 a secret Star Trek movie, 

I’d argue, better looking than any of the Next Generation films, more clever than Star Trek Beyond


 It’s the most expensive and beautiful looking Star Trek to ever appear on TV or the movies, to be quite honest. 

CBS has put a ton of money into this thing to act as a launching pad for its All Access streaming service. 

That, along with the stunning production values, 

is enough to at least drag Trekkies over to a new streaming service. 

Everyone else, though, might need a little more convincing.


Did any of you watch the show?  

If so, what did you think of it?  

Is it worth paying $6 a month to watch?


  1. Not worth it to me. The story was a bit slow, the Klingons looked all wrong, and the actions of one character were also wrong. It did look amazing. But not enough to prompt me to shell out extra bucks for it.

    1. The second episode contained all the action. I was curious enough to try the service. But the word in the industry is that Paramount blew all its money in the first two episodes and the 3rd is more claustrophobic and shoddy in production values. I will give it a month, then cancel if it does not pick up.
