
Thursday, December 20, 2018


“The living owe it to 
those who no longer can speak
 to tell their story for them.” 
Czesław Miłosz

In my Christmas Ghost tale

you will meet dapper young men in the 1920's who court the mysterious, deadly Senorita ...

to their eternal sorrow. 

Here is a glimpse of New Orleans in the 1920's where you can see the styles ...

Look closely, and you will see a glimpse of the Jade Christmas

Most of the action in my Christmas Ghost Story takes place in 1946.

To us, that time seems so far away.

Those living then did not realize they were living history ...

as we are today.

Take a peek:

For just $1.99 you can time travel to a Christmas Eve lost in time and mystery.

Give it a try.  :-)

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