
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

SJW Culture_When Did It Begin?

When did it begin?  
Most experts believe about 2011

The phrase originated in the late 20th century as a neutral or positive term 

for people engaged in social justice activism.

In 2011, when the term first appeared on Twitter, 

it changed from a primarily positive term to an overwhelmingly negative one.

Perhaps "SJW" movement isn't the right term... 

I can't think of any other that would identify it as well.. modern social progressivism movement

You can tell its members by their lack of a sense of humor ... 

they would not be able to find the humor in the above image.

They count coup by calling out someone in the spotlight for offending them and their standards.

They gain prestige in the eyes of their peers and you pay in external cost for not living up to their ideas of what is right.   

They search for faults in others and not in themselves ...

failing to realize they can only change themselves not others.

The Puritans only embedded the sin in a person they put into stocks not erased it.

When you point a finger at someone, three more are pointing back at you.

Safe Spaces. Micro Aggressions. 
Bias Response Teams.
Hate Speak. 
Trigger Warnings.

Teachers used to use as their guide for writing
their lectures

Would this offend a reasonable person?

Now, they have to write
their lectures using

In the past, 
good teachers challenged
 their students
to think for themselves
by presenting ideas 
that forced them
to think outside 
the safety of their 
preconceived notions 
of what was reality.

Now, they are no longer free to present
the Matterhorn to them.

Only mole hills of thought are acceptable.

There is no longer room for nuance
 in the classroom.

Only Stark Black and White .


There are several social trends that started in the 80's 

and later that shaped children in that time to be hyper-sensitive.


The 80's  and 90's saw an increase in the headlines of children outdoors being at risk for abduction.

But outdoor play, besides the needed sunshine and exercise, also provided

opportunities to negotiate with others, to toughen up their feelings, 

learning the world does not revolve around what they wish.

It's called Socialization:

Children need to learn how to work together. 

They need to learn to make friends, how to share and cooperate, how to treat other people. 

If they only interact in very structured settings,

 such as school or sports teams, they won’t — they can’t — learn everything they need to know.


The political parties never really liked each other.

But in the late 90's and especially after 2000, 

the disparity and snark grew vicious until you have the toxic atmosphere you have today.


Those faculties had always leaned to the left.  

Forget Lean.  

They have now leapt to the far left and are passing off their surmises as certainties

 onto their impressionable students.

This at a time when political tensions are higher than ever.

So it has devolved from the Truth Seeking Path to the We Have to Beat the Other Team! Path.

We know what we believe!  

Don't give me Data!  You change!  

We're right; you're wrong!


Children born after 1995 

were snatched to the safety of the home right at the time Social Media started taking off.

Instead of having to learn to handle conflict constructively, 

these youngsters could cocoon themselves in a safe cyber-womb, 

surrounded by like-minded souls who reinforced whatever attitudes they found appealing.


You put all these social trends together,

and you get young people who are much more anxious, fragile, and depressed, 

coming onto campuses with all the super-charged political and social propaganda 

being delivered as truth from every professor to whom they listen.

Those few students are the vanguard of the Social Justice Movement.




have long been the cornerstones of our democracy.

Without them, how long before our nation devolves into a Civil War between Ideologies?



  1. I'm still laughing at the Magic card...

    1. I thought it was a hoot, too. Sure sign neither of us belong to the SJW movement! :-)

  2. Imho the SJW & BLM Movement is destroying the world of comics i.e. Illustrared Novels.
    From DC Contemplatimg replacing Henry Cavall (so?) With a black man; Marvel's replacing Captain Marvel with a Woman, Marvel's creation of 'Shade', the 1st Drag Queen, and rebooting numerous story lines for 'political correctness' i.e. 'Comicscape'.
    These social movements are based on extremes, without the fine balance (yin/yang).
    Men are persecuted for being men by simple minded stereotyping as in the Gillete commercial.
    Perhaps hyper tolerance has backfired, creating such biased groups who demand to be heard alone with no respect to a truly open minded agendae.
    Open mindedness and respect are truly missing from these extreme groups, posing as the new moral police.

    1. SJW is killing the comic industry. Changes that flow from the telling of the story is one thing, but merely hitting us over the head with their agenda turns people off, right?

  3. I was on a panel at a con this past weekend and felt like I was surrounded by those people. Diversity in beliefs they said, but I didn't dare voice my own beliefs.

    1. I was on a similar panel, and the shine of the deaf fanatic gleamed in their eyes. They are not open to civil discourse. Their cause is who they are. When you voice a thought that veers from it, they feel threatened as if you were pointing a weapon at them. Sad. In the 1950's it was McCarthyism. Now it is SJW Movement.

  4. Sad to see in this era how so many have adopted a Puritan, Naziesque closed minded culture of: "Believe what I believe, or your going to hell and/or burned at the stake, or gas chambers". I see little difference between SJW's, BLM, the Tea Party, the Moral Majority, et al.

    Those who do not learn from the errors and mistakes of the past, are destined and doomed to repeat such failures.

    It is no wonder, a few of the original Facebook Founder's claim they cannot sleep at night, knowing of the beasts they created.

    In today's culture with smartphones and social media, most everyone has a voice. Voices which attract and fuel their angry agendas of hatred and isolationism.

    In this era of hatred and narcissism; a large cross-section of society and Humanity should be building bridges instead of blowing existing Bridges up, while building and insisting upon having walls between us.

    Whatever happened to the approach and intellect of "Make Love Not War".
    Where have the ambassadors of peace and goodwill gone? So many great leaders have been assassinated either with a bullet, or the outspoken words from the aforementioned social groups.

    The Weather Underground, Black Panthers, KKK and other hate groups from prior generations have been replaced by the aforementioned groups. It is no wonder we have so many mass killings today in our Nation.

    I miss living in the southern states where the majority of people respected each other. I never thought I would live to see black children being told do not speak to me simply because my skin is white. I never thought I would hear there is no such thing as black history only white history. I never thought I would see cultivation of ignorance on such mass scales, such as what I am observing in Southern California

    1. We have raised a generation of thin-skinned emo-children in adult bodies who demand the world march to their ideologies. Rational discourse is no longer possible with those who stick their fingers in their collective ears. Sigh.

      I am told by co-workers who visit up North that their children are mocked for say "Sir" and "Ma'am" since those expressions stem from a backward culture. Double Sigh.

      Always good talking to you, Robert.

  5. Indeed, it's one of few pleasures left to have you on this planet my dear brother.

    I was also raised, and raised my own kids to show respect when addressing another as Sir and Ma'am.

    "Respect" - perhaps the most vital attributes missing in this era. As often as anyone will listen and communicate with me; Respect is the one thing most commonly agreed upon as missing in these uncertain of times.

    1. Yes, Respect. Those that demand it these days seldom give it or realize that their actions are disrespectful even! I miss our talks at the Mall. Have a great weekend.
