
Sunday, November 19, 2023



Pricing your book on KDP can be daunting. I hear many of my friends say:

"My book is an alternate history of WWII like THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE, 

I think I should charge at least $1o for my Kindle book."

"Ah, did your book win the Hugo award, was made into an Amazon series, are you Philip K Dick? No?

You are unknown. Tempt a potential reader into trying you out."


You can offer your Kindle eBook for free for up to 5 days out of 

each 90-day KDP Select enrollment period. 

Free Book Promotions are for Kindle eBooks only.

(You can imagine my anguish when my formatter sent me an ePub that Adobe cannot open!)

Especially, since I have just discovered how to use KDP Select to garner free Verified Customer Reviews!

More on that next post.

Kindle Countdown Deals: 

Kindle Countdown Deals allow you to offer your book at a discounted price for a limited time. 

This can help increase your book's visibility and sales.

It appeals to the human instinct of striking while the iron is hot, to save on the full price to come.


Remember you have only 30 DAYS to get Amazon's attention so that they think it is worthwhile to push you out to the public.

Free and it helps you to compare lengths of novels similar to yours ...

How long are they? How long is yours? Then, ask how well known are their authors compared to you?


Will the reader pay about the same price for your Kindle as compared to your print book? 

How much difference in price between the two? Give the reader incentive to buy your Kindle.

Pre-Orders prices should be cheaper than day of publication, or why should the readers bother?


People are more in the mood to spend money on gifts during the 4th quarter.

Consider that in pricing your new book. Make it easier for people to give multiple copies of your book to friends.

Consider giving a free Kindle gift yourself to each person who buys your new book.


  1. Thanks for these great tips! I need to get back to making limited time deals on my books myself.
