
Saturday, May 11, 2024



She was better ...

She had no stunt double.

They do not teach how to be a good mother in public school.

Wishing someone a Happy Mother's Day is a chancy thing these days.

The person you greet may have lost a beloved mother ... or a hateful one.

Both losses leave wounds slow to heal and ones no one likes to be reminded of.

Take Mary Ball Washington, the mother of George Washington ...

In the drama of her son’s life, Mary Ball Washington has been cast as a villain and a saint—or written out entirely. 

In reality, she was an independent woman at a time when few others were.

If you are a mother, you are not seen as you are by others ... not even by yourself.

All you can do is try to be better than yesterday ... and if your children have flown the nests ...

Forgive yourself for past mistakes and forgive your children for not having the wisdom the years have pounded into your head.

May this Mother's Day find you well as can be no matter your circumstances, Roland

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