
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

HATE: #AToZChallenge

Emotional Vampires 
will help you cope 
effectively with 
the people in your life 
that confound you, 
confuse you, 
and seem to sap 
every ounce of your energy. 

“I have decided to stick to love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

 Watch the TV news
and you will see angry protestors.

The Slogans on the signs may vary
but one thing remains
constant on them:


Why do you think
Hate seems to be
sweeping this


  1. Hate and anger is so prevalent nowadays! I think we are becoming impatient as a race due to instant availability of commodities and information. Many a times, this anger is misdirected and influenced due to the growing effects of social media. We have to try to stay away from this negativity and think through rather than blindly follow ‘point of view’ shown or said in media.

    1. I agree. Instant gratification in so many areas of our lives has spoiled us to have patience or tolerance in anything. :-(

  2. Looks like a great book! People hate what they don't understand...

    Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: Home-Grown

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