
Wednesday, October 2, 2024



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We are living in a horror movie.

The Russians are said to be deploying 
a Poseidon torpedo.

Fact is they may have already deposited one off our shores months ago

Then, there is Russia's Dead Hand:

Of course, WWIII may be on the
brink of starting:

It seems Trick or Treat has 
come early,
doesn't it?

OCTOBER is horror month. 

It is popular to be scared now.

But not this scared, right? 

After all, movies, shows, and months eventually end

Do you know what galvanized President Regan 

to work so hard for world peace? 

A TV movie.

I have been finding it hard to write about 

fictional horror, 

feeling too much like Nero

fiddling while Rome burned.

Scientific studies indicate that those

who are not so empathic

can enjoy horror movies more

than those who feel more

negatively about those in torment.

What do you think?

Stephen King wrote:

"I think people do kind of gravitate towards horror stories when times are tough, and times are scary."

Have you found writing harder these days?

There is a quote from LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA:

"Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them.

But Life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves."

What do you think?


  1. Anonymously Esther, East of the Sun, First email today wasn't IWSG, was very, very scared, and on the other side of the world. Why scared ? Same reasons as mine, and yours. Ghosts might be more scared themselves, like my ghost child.

    1. Each of us carry ghosts with us -- the ghosts of who we once were.

  2. I might be not so empathic then:) God! I wish I don’t live up to see WW3 and I'm only 14. The first book I initiated to write was horror. Writing is harder these days for Time is horrifically fast.

    1. Time slips through our fingers too fast these days. If you can manage to write just a page a day, you will get a novel written in a year. I wish you the best of success in your writing, Anastasia.

  3. Real life is more frightening than fiction. I can enjoy good horror because it's nothing compared to reality.

    1. When I see torture on film, it still bothers me even though I know it is fiction. Softee me. :-)

  4. Honestly, writing has been an escape. I don't want to stick my head in the sand, but I can only listen to so much bad news before I need a break. God is in control anyhow. I've been reduced to praying about it. What else can I do at this point? I never thought I'd see the things I've been seeing lately in my lifetime. This is definitely not the America I grew up in.

    1. I have a Clint Eastwood shirt that reads: I miss the country I grew up in. You're right: our times are in the Hand of the Father.

  5. I write more paranormal than horror and like Melissa, it's an escape. And it's not the America I grew up in, either. Current leaders are perverting it.

    1. I write more historical fantasy/paranormal too. :-) Our country is being betrayed by its leaders. Sigh

  6. I'm a sissy when it comes to hardcore horror - too much of a writers' imagination I guess. But I LOVE suspense and paranormal. Horror movies aren't as scary as reality these days.

    1. I have tried my hand at horror; hence my last post: But most of the horror was off-camera and in the readers' minds -- more terrifying that way, right?

  7. Absolutely, times are tough. It's why losing oneself in any book is invaluable. Happy IWSG day, Roland!

  8. Such an appropriate post, Roland. Why read horror when we're living it?

  9. Stephen King may be right that we lean toward horror stories when times are tough. Not sure if that helps make it through the night, though.

    1. At least we can tell ourselves the film will eventually end!

  10. As a rare blood courier, I know what you mean!

  11. I tend to watch/read things that are far from my life and never in my world. The news is too real and I have to live in ignorance or I'll spend all my time hiding in a closet or crying my eyes out.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. We must live in the world in which we find ourselves, Anna. Though like you, I tend to read novels which renew me. :-)

  12. It's true that nothing is more terrifying than reality. Even horror can be a refuge, at least you know what the parameters are.

    1. Yes, reality has the nasty habit of being unpredictable and too close for comfort!
