So you can read my books

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

INSECURITY is Good For You_IWSG post

Out of the discomfort of it,
you may strive to grow
so that you do not feel it
as deeply.

Life is a balancing act.

Our dreams always seem to be in
danger of toppling us over

when Life insists on tugging
on the tight-rope.

INSECURITY is that inner demonic voice that murmurs you are not good enough.

So you strive to grow in your ability to put prose on paper, 

to see beneath the masks that all people wear, 

to view life from a perspective that will make the commonplace the magic that it truly is.

Insecurity can spark growth. 

Insecurity can prompt our desire 
for self-improvement. 

It can jolt us into action 
push us toward higher goals.  

Insecurity is only harmful when 
we compare our weakest link 
to someone's strongest link.

 It’s time to tell the truth

 so that everyone can relax a bit and know they’re not alone in wondering if they’re okay. 

 You’re not flawed or defective. 

You’re experiencing this thing 
we call Life

There will be times 
you’ll feel on top of the world 
times you’ll doubt your worth. 

This is normal. 

It’s a part of our forward movement 
as we take stock of who we are, 
in transit to who we’re becoming. 

How is your journey 
coming along?


  1. Insecurity puts us outside our comfort zone where we either grow or we die.
    Maybe not die. That's a bit dramatic.

  2. Hi Roland,
    I really and truly love this because it is so encouraging to a person like me. I needed to read this today. Thank you so much for posting.
    I especially love the last part: It is part of the forward movement as I take stock of who I am in transit to who I am becoming. I had to tell myself that today.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. I am so happy my words were helpful in some small way! Each of us are like cars speeding into the night: our headlights only illuminate just so far, and we must drive with care and diligence! :-)

  3. Yep! I totally agree. Without a dash of insecurity, complacency creeps in, and then the smug smile that everyone finds quite annoying, so you wind up being the one nobody really enjoys sharing time with and you find yourself alone in a dark house with...Well, let's just welcome that insecurity and avoid all of that, shall we?

    1. Yes, I hear you! No one likes a smug companion. Although the conceited ones I think would enjoy the company of being solitary! :-)

  4. Thanks for reminding us that we're not alone in our insecurities about worrying if we're good enough. And yes, it is part of the journey of feeling better about ourselves.

    1. Insecurity is part of our journey to the person we will eventually become. Thank you, Natalie, for visiting and staying to talk a bit. :-)

  5. The comparisons quote is spot on. Let that insecurity fuel you and set your creativity in motion!
    Mary at Play off the Page

    1. Mary, we are human so it is natural to doubt, but it is sink or swim in life, right? ;-)

  6. And that's what we tend to do - compare our weakness to another's strength.

  7. My journey with insecurity is constant. The minute I feel success, I overthink. I have to compare my successes to myself, not others.
    It's also crazy to think the writers I admire probably deal with the same stupid self defeating crap.
    I haven't visited for a while. Glad to see you're still you.

    1. F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain -- all felt insecurity. The greats always do. It is what pushes them to greatness. :-)

      Glad to see you here again!!

  8. All I know is being insecure made me crazy until I found out I wasn't the only one.


    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. We're all human, some of us more so than others -- like politicians!! :-)

  9. I've finally made peace with my insecurities. Because now I know that everyone is carrying a cross, even if I can't see it. The great thing is, we have communities like IWSG, where we can come together for support.

    1. Mother told to treat everyone kind because everyone is having a harder time than it appears. :-)
