So you can read my books

Thursday, December 23, 2010


God (or the Great Mystery as the Lakota call Him) is wise.

Have you ever had a bruising day?

An event or events so traumatic that they drew blood both emotional or physical or both?

Of course you have. Me, too. Just yesterday in fact (but that is besides the point).

* Punctuation note for those of you who puzzle over such things :

Periods go inside parentheses only if an entire sentence is inside the parentheses.

Please read the analysis. (I enclosed it as Attachment A.)
Please read the analysis (Attachment A).

But I was talking about terrible days. You have them. I have them.

God is wise. He gives us sleep. A terrible day has a night's sleep on either side like prarentheses.

Upon awakening, we feel a bit removed from the sharp sting of the trauma of the day before. And every passing night of sleep buffers the sting a bit more. Sleep is God's gauze for the bleeding heart.

Sundays are like that too. God gave us a day of rest because he knew the human heart and human greed. He knew we would work ourselves and others to death if He didn't put the brakes on us in some way.

No farmer plants the same lot of ground over and over. It would leach all the nutrients out of it, leaving it lifeless. The farmer lets the lot lie fallow for a season.

And if dirt needs a rest, how much more does the human heart and mind.

Which brings us to God's gift of Christmas :

We all know of the straightforward gift of Christmas : Jesus coming here to save us from ourselves.

But I believe there was also the reason of the parentheses :

Christmas brackets one year from the next in a month of remembering the message of "Peace On Earth. Good Will To Man."

It brings to remembrance the innocence and dreams of childhood that the other eleven months have hammered out of us. We become childlike, in the best sense of the term, again.

We hold back bitter words a bit more. We help up a fellow man fallen by the wayside when we might not have another month. We remember those around us who hurt and think of ways to ease the pain.

New Year celebrations blow out the year. The month of Christmas heals a bit the wounds of the past year.

I don't know about you, but I would rather heal than blow out.

The Great Mystery is wise and loving to give us the circle of seasons to be healed by Christmas, Sunday, and sleep.

May the healing of this Christmas week extend all month and into the New Year for you, Roland


  1. i love this topic so much. this is something i've pondered upon too but then i usually leave the subject alone because i get confused about what exactly im trying to think.

    By the mercy of God we have the new day to separate the yesterday. Sometimes a single bad experience in a day disrupts my entire 24hour long day. But when the new day arrives I feel distanced from it.

    I’ve wondered before what it would be like if we never had a night, and a day would just continue on forever. Then we wouldn’t have something called “the past”. How awful! Then I wouldn’t have anything to separate me from a hurtful remark or whatever.

  2. This was enormously beautiful (Loved the little parentheses lesson too.) Thank you Roland. Merry Christmas!

  3. Such welcome thoughts and a great reminder at this hectic time of year. I try to take it easy at Christmas and not go nuts. I see too many people running around all cranky and crazy. They forget what this season is really about.

    I wonder if God would consider two days of rest?:)

    Oh and thanks for the parentheses lesson. I always get that confused.

    Have a wonderful, Merry Christmas!

  4. Beautiful. The words, the sentiment, and the video.

    The Color Of Love post was moving also. Such deep thinking . .


  5. Annie : One of my writing heroes, Roger Zelazny, started me thinking along these lines. I'm glad we are fellow thinkers on the subject, too. Have a blessed Christmas, Roland

    Merry Christmas to you, too, Colene. It made me smile that you think my post beautiful. I wish you Holiday Magic that lasts all through the New Year, Roland

    Happy Christmas, Terry! Good to see, ah, read you again. Yes, like you, I see so many get caught up in the Holiday frenzy, forgeting all about Peace On Earth. Boy, two days of rest a week does sound good! Only magic and happy surprises this week and all New Year for you, Roland

    Donna, good to see you here again, too. Sometimes I think deep. Most times I just snorkel! Thanks for finding something positive and healing in my posts. May the Spirit of Christmas make each day magical for you, Roland

  6. Annie : One of my writing heroes, Roger Zelazny, started me thinking along these lines. I'm glad we are fellow thinkers on the subject, too. Have a blessed Christmas, Roland

    Merry Christmas to you, too, Colene. It made me smile that you think my post beautiful. I wish you Holiday Magic that lasts all through the New Year, Roland

    Happy Christmas, Terry! Good to see, ah, read you again. Yes, like you, I see so many get caught up in the Holiday frenzy, forgeting all about Peace On Earth. Boy, two days of rest a week does sound good! Only magic and happy surprises this week and all New Year for you, Roland

    Donna, good to see you here again, too. Sometimes I think deep. Most times I just snorkel! Thanks for finding something positive and healing in my posts. May the Spirit of Christmas make each day magical for you, Roland

  7. ...showing off your softer side...considering the upcoming holiday cheer, I'm proud of you:)

    Well done, Roland. You've penned a classic.


  8. Elliot : Thanks. I hope the rush of events still give you time to take in a breath and simply enjoy the innocent magic and wonder of this Christmas season. Thanks for thinking this a classic. It means a lot. Especially today. Roland

  9. I didn't know you were having a hard day yesterday. Why not say something to your friends. We are here for you, Roland, Always.

    This post was beautiful. It's so true that we all need to have some time to rejuvenate.

    Let the magic in to heal you.


  10. Michael : Everyone's having a harder time than they appear. I keep lest I complain of a pebble in my shoe to a man with an artificial leg.

    Thanks for thinking my post beautiful and for caring. May the Christmas magic follow you all New Year through! Roland

  11. Hi Roland - Sorry you had a rough day, and I hope today was better for you (after a good night's sleep). It is interesting that you mention sleep, because until my parents died I didn't understand what a balm sleep really is. To remember...each in its time.

    Merry Christmas, and God bless.
