{Image by Viktor Vasnetsov in public domain}
Those are the signposts you keep in mind when writing your
one paragraph summation in your queries.
Yes : BAD ... WORSE ... WORST. They are the 3 keys to writing a GOOD one paragraph summation for your query.
I.) Think Three Act Play :
Act I. Bad (First Sentence)
You introduce your character and set up the conflict.
Conflict being the goal that is desperately desired and the adversary who stands in the way.
Act. II - WORSE (The next three sentences.)
Each sentence details a disaster derailing the progress of your main character and the victories of the adversary. Each disaster gets progressively worse.
The sentence of the first disaster contains the MC's decision which sets the disaster into motion. The sentence of the 2nd disaster contains some small victory for the MC that is destroyed by the sudden turn in fate. The sentence of the third disaster contains the seeds of the final confrontation between the MC and the adversary.
The final sentence contains the final confrontation and its resolution.
If you don't detail in full the resolution,
you should at least give definite hints on how the story ends with the MC triumphing over the adversary -- even at the cost of his/her own life.
II.) Polish this paragraph until it flows like the narration to a movie trailer.
III.) IMPORTANCE of this paragraph summation :
This paragraph is the skeleton of your thoughts as you write your novel.
Go back to it often and check to see if it matches the story you're writing.
a.) If not, no big deal.
b.) Just revise your paragraph accordingly.
You will not become bogged down if you have this paragraph as your guide and map to chart your course through your chapters.
IV.) This paragraph has to be intriguing and persuasive.
A.) The agent will most likely decide to reject or ask for more from this one small paragraph.
B.) This paragraph should probably contain that all important hook, without which most queries are immediately rejected.
C.) Reading this paragraph like the voice-over to a movie trailer will help you in deciding what that all-important hook should be.
D.) A well-written one paragraph summation will provide the outline for your one page (single spaced 500 words) synopsis.
Dear Mr. Wonderful Agent :
Re-imaginings. Have you ever looked at your image in the mirror and thought does the world I know exist for this copy of me? Or beyond that reflected corner is there a more magical, lyrical, dangerous world?
Thirteen year old Victor Standish lives in such a world.
There are strange tales told by the vagrants of the French Quarter when the midnight hour tolls. The hours fade as the shadows creep closer. The tales are not to amuse, but to keep weary eyes from closing.
For the creeping shadows are hungry.
Thirteen year old Victor Standish is repeatedly abandoned and picked up by his unpredictable mother. He learns “free running” and other skills a boy needs to survive the mean streets.
Victor finds New Orleans brings "mean" to a new level: the supernatural level. A mysterious Jazz club owner takes him in. Victor learns the Jazz club is actually the Crossroads of Worlds ... and the owner has the blood of Death in his veins. They both find love and adventure as Hurricane Katrina approaches.
The undead Abigail Adams marshals her forces to repel the Shadowland invasion led by her European counterpart, Empress Theodora. While the jazz club owner tries to keep the French Quarter safe, Victor falls in love with the British ghoul, Alice. His “ghoul friend” he calls her.
Between Victor's wits and Alice's strange abilities, they save the jazz club owner from Theodora and Abigail Adams.
Joy turns to dread when the Angel of Death arrives at the door of the Jazz club to claim him. Victor does not understand why he merits a visit from the Angel of Death. But to save his new family, he faces her.
He discovers she is no stranger. And he understands why the Angel of Death has come to pick him up ... again.
She is his mother.
Thank you for reading my query. I would be happy to send you sample chapters or the full manuscript. I hope that you find some gem in the flood of submissions that pour your way. May your New Year hold only happy surprises with some relief for punished eyes and swamped workloads.
Roland D. Yeomans M.A.
{The pitch section is exactly 300 words (a half-page single-spaced) Altogether it is approximately 400 words.}
*) I hope this helps in some small way when you are writing your queries and your novels. Your friend, Roland***
I like that method of defining the hook, the pitch and the outline. I'm working on a synopsis, so this will keep me focused.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'll work on it.
ReplyDeleteI thought you might. I had you and Milo James Fowler in mind when I wrote this post. Good luck with that synopsis! :-)
Merci! I appreciate any help.
ReplyDeleteGlad to do it. Hibbs insisted. :-)