So you can read my books

Thursday, May 26, 2016


C. Lee McKenzie

has written a delightful review both on GOODREADS and on AMAZON for 

"When you listen to Death in the House of Life, you’re drawn into a world where natural laws do not exist. 

There’s no division between those living and those dead, 

there’s a fusion of history and the fantastic, real historical figures align with 

 or fight against mythical/alien ones, time can be manipulated, 

and what is evil—in the end—turns out to be what saves you.

Texas Ranger Captain Samuel McCord, 

the charming central figure of this mixed-genre delight is doomed and, therefore, heroic. 

Set in the 19th century, 

it has a cast that includes Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Nikola Tesla and the remarkable Countess Ada Byron—

all people of intellect and achievement in that century. 

It’s surprising, exciting, and at all times, stimulating to have them together in the quest for the aegis.

One of my favorite things about the book 

is how the author weaves the historical and political events into the fabric of his tale.

 It’s so cleverly done that while I was absorbing real facts from the past, 

I was always entertained and involved in the fictional adventure.

The voice actor did one fine job in not only keeping each of the characters distinct, 

but also rendering the females so well, that I wasn’t aware that a man was delivering the dialog."

For a limited time:
Buy the Kindle Book for $2.99 and get the audio book for just $1.99!



  1. Excellent, very specific visceral review. Outstanding I say..! The Author is even more charming than the legendary Tejas Ranger Samuel McCord. Of course He invented and speaks for Sudden Sam, the unique, original gunslinger of ghouls, in this rich tapesty of time being antiquated, yet full of life, here, now. Kudos to both Mr. Yeomans, and C. Lee McKenzie.

    1. Thanks so much, Robert. Loved the image you sent me on FB of the car shaped like a Stormtrooper's helmet, guaranteed not to hit anything! :-)

  2. Excellent review! We live for ones like that.

  3. The audiobook is cheaper than the print version? Wow, that's great. And great review.

    1. Yes, it is a grand bargain since Robert Rossmann is such a fine narrator. He is both a stage actor and a stage director. I was lucky to get him for 5 of my audio books. Take a listen in the video above and you will see what I mean. :-) Take a chance on it. You will enjoy yourself -- I promise.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks. Like you, I am still missing Alan Young. The world was a warmer place to me thinking he was still alive in it. :-(

  5. C. Lee McKenzie certainly gives the book a high rating, Roland, and of course I agree with her. It's one of my faves, as you know. It's a darn good story and keeps us guessing page by page.

    1. Lee did, indeed, give me a grand review. I sent a copy of to Robert Rossmann, knowing he would enjoy reading it, too.

      I am really happy you enjoyed it so, too. :-)

  6. Hi Roland - definitely such a brilliant review by Lee - as are the other reviewers ... that's great and I will get to do what I keep saying I do ... in July and August - put up reviews for you ...

    I can imagine you'll be weaving your magic through the book - the history, the reality, the creative imagination ... I'm going to love getting into your world ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. The reviews would be nice, but what I really want is for you to enjoy reading my books. That is reward enough. :-)

  7. Hi Roland! What a treat to find my review here tonight! I was happy to "read" your story and delighted when I enjoyed it so much.

    As I mentioned, I'm hoping the reviewer that follows me does what he promised and buys his copy. He's an excellent reviewer and he has a large following.

    1. You're mentioned in Saturday's post as well where I tell you and my other friends how to make audio books. :-)

      I am delighted you enjoyed my audio book. I have sent you the sequel as well.

      I hope your friend does indeed buy my book and likes what he hears!
