So you can read my books

Friday, December 16, 2011

LOVE'S LIGHT IS A PYRE_Sparkles Friday Romantic Post




REVIEW THE LEGEND OF VICTOR STANDISH and enter now to get in on all the other prizes yet to be given!

The icy mists flow like lost love's seeking echoes across the bayou bordering my apartment.

SPARKLES is the prompt for this Friday Romantic Challenge.

Sometimes the magic seems to slip away in the rush of plucking fingers of Christmas obligations and demands.

Fallen, the last fae,

she of the woodfire heart and storm lightning thoughts,


"Souls move slowly to their journey's end;

destinations are where we begin again.
Like ships sailing far across endless seas,

trust in starlight to lead the way."

So here is my SPARKLES post from BLACK ROSES IN AVALON

where Blake Adamson and Fallen, the last fae, find themselves deep in a dangerous, mystic forest deep within fabled Avalon :

Fallen reached out and grabbed my hand. "Somehow, I feel as if not all the powers of Darkness can separate us now."

I caught Epona, Queen of Unicorns, sharing a haunted look with her mate. Fallen hadn't noticed. And I was glad. She looked so happy that I wanted it to last as long for her as possible.

Something like a premonition, but more certain, swept over me.

And deep down, I knew that this was our first, our last, night. Something terrible was about to happen. So terrible that it would shake the Sidhe nation to its core.

So terrible that it would permanently scar Fallen ... and be the end of me. The Darkness was falling, and I would never see the light again.

I looked up into the twinkling stars peering down on us from between the branches of the ancient oaks above us. 'Oh, Father, may you light the way for Fallen when I can't be there for her, please.'

I waited for an answer of some kind but only got aching silence. I sighed. Maybe that was a kind of answer in itself.

I jerked as Fallen, caught up in her happiness, started to sing. It was ethereal, haunting, yet filled with love and passion and hope. I looked back up into the endless depths of the stars.

Maybe this was the only real answer, to cling to love while it was ours and let the future stay in the wings until it came shambling out onto the stage to reach out for us.

"All time and space are one to hearts in love," sang Fallen, her eyes locked on me.

"Death, pain, darkness but phantoms to be overcome," she trilled, reaching out and squeezing my hand gently as if reading my mind.

Her voice rose, twirled, and caressed me. As her words went from Sidhe to Angelus to some tongue so old that even Solomon's gift didn't translate it.

Then, I realized the tune had changed to the melody Fallen had identified as the lullaby sung to her by her unknown mother.

And the breath caught in my throat as I saw long, delicate wings of ethereal energy fluttering from between her shoulder blades.

Epona's eyes widened as she spotted them at the same time that I did. Azure shivered between my legs as he, too, saw Fallen's sparkling wings of fae magic tremble and beat to the rhythm of her song.

And for a moment, the unicorns slowed their movement to stare at my love just as bewitched as I was by the haunting beauty of her singing. It seemed that the four of us had walked into a medieval tapestry or painting :

A faerie princess, her mortal lover, riding the King and Queen of all unicorns ensnared by the cascading notes sung by Love which cannot truly die.


  1. Mystical and beautifully written! I enjoyed reading this. Wonderful! <3

  2. Thank you, Brenda :
    And Fallen, the last fae, thanks you as well. :-)

  3. Hi,

    So loved this line: Her voice rose, twirled, and caressed me.

    Wonderful portrayal of how deep Blake's love is for Fallen. ;)


  4. I am not familiar with the story's backgrounder, but this reads like a nice romantic and supernatural chapter.

    Thanks for sharing the gives it a dreamy feeling ~

  5. Francine :
    Yes, Blake is certainly smitten with Fallen! I'm glad you liked my use of words.

    Heaven :
    I'm glad you were caught up in the dream-magic. Your words made my evening!

    Here is the link to a trailer that explains a bit more :

  6. I wish I could write love as beautiful and poetic as you do Roland. This excerpt was perfect for the prompt. I can't pick out a favorite line; it was all so mystic and enlightening.

    Loved the Celtic video too. Beautifully, mystic music that fits your theme.


  7. Donna :
    Thanks so much for your kind words. Christmas festivities and obligations have diverted visitors to my blog. Thanks for visiting and staying to chat. Only happy surprises this Christmas! Roland

  8. Dear Roland,
    Your comment about the Christmas rush rings so true. I only have to go to myself to see how little time I have to visit all the blogs I usually touch base with.

    So I am only doing the RFW-challenge right now and until some time after the new year.
    But I want to visit and read everyone else's post for this challenge.

    I really like your text. It is about a great love connected to a looming dread of loosing it; the need to seize the day; the wish to live here and now.

    One of my favourite lines is:

    Maybe this was the only real answer, to cling to love while it was ours and let the future stay in the wings until it came shambling out onto the stage to reach out for us.

    We really only have 'here and now'. We don't know that much about the future even if we are normal everyday human beings and not the last fae or some other kind of creature.

    You write about unusual and unforgetable characters, but they still have the same problems with their emotions that the rest of us have.

    Wonderful writing, Roland. I am inspired by you, even if you can't see it in my posts!

    Please have a safe and happy holiday!

    Anna's RFW challenge No 27 Sparkle!

  9. Anna :
    On a day at the hectic blood center by myself when everything that could go wrong -- did, your words were a healing balm.

    Thank you.

    The Christmas rush seems to be spinning us all into too many different directions at once.

    You and I think alike. Seize the moment, for it is all that we have.

    Blake & Fallen - Victor & Alice two pairs of unusual lovers that I have tried to make relatable for everyone.

    Your praise makes me feel as if all my work is appreciated. Thank you very much. I have been inspired and healed by your comment! The most special of Christmas holidays to you!! Roland

  10. Hi Roland! I really am at a loss where to actually enter the contest now that I've written a Victor Standish review???

    Your sparkle entry is mystical and moving. Your prose is poetic and always wonderful to we mere mortals.

    Happy Christmas!


  11. Happy Christmas, Denise :
    You've already entered the contest (5 entries actually) by posting a review on Amazon. Posting it on your blog gave you 5 more entries!

    Posting a review of UNDER A VOODOO MOON (the sequel) would get you 5 more entries. Writing about my contest or about Victor's world would get you yet 5 more entries.

    Getting me a date with Cate Blanchett would win you that Kindle Fire. LOL. Just seeing if you were paying attention. :-)

    Thank you for the kind words about my entry. This has been a weary, brusing day at the blood center.

    I need to sell the movie rights to VICTOR STANDISH. Do you happen to know Peter Jackson by any chance. :-)

    Happiest of Holidays, Roland

  12. How sweet. This is somewhat different for you Roland. I enjoyed it very much.

  13. Hello.
    I am transported to a different place with this post.
    The imagery & writing are awesome!
    The song compliments this excerpt perfectly.
    Very nicely done, my friend!
    A fine excerpt indeed.

    For ref:
    On This Painful, Tear-filled Night

  14. Nancy :
    Just a bit different : more pure fantasy than urban fantasy. But still romantic and bitter-sweet at heart! Have a beautiful Christmas!

    Andy :
    After a wearying day, your kind words mean the world to me. Thank you very much. Blessed Christmas! Roland
