So you can read my books

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Merry Christmas to all my friends!

Christmas' present to all of us

is the subtle messages underneath the obvious ones:

1.) Love comes unexpectedly.

2.) You find love in surprising places.

3.) Love comes at its own season, in its own unique way, wearing a face you weren't looking for.

But then, we can be forgiven for not hearing those messages. After all, none of us is perfect. Well, there was that one.

But we killed Him.

Or did we? I choose to think not. I know His message and the messages of this day are not dead.

Love never quite dies. It stays in the sparkle in the eyes of each passing generation of children.

The best Christmas stories, in both movies and books, remind us that love always seems to find a way,

though it comes to us in unexpected ways, shining in the eyes of those we might have overlooked in the past.

The Jews were expecting a king. They never got one because they were looking in the wrong places for the wrong faces.

A manger contained the prince of peace in its straw. Few were even aware of His arrival.

Only those who were not too proud to stop and consider love might come unexpectedly and from a source we would never have suspected of containing it.

And only to those who had kept looking up.

Christmas teaches us to keep the child's sense of awe, of wonder, and of the willingness to believe ...

in the possibilities of miracles,

of the soft whisper of magic in the air if you but listen,

and in the healing power of love.

Like young Kevin in HOME ALONE, it is up to us alone to protect the home of our hearts from being robbed of their innocence and love.

Sometimes we do not see unicorns in the snow because we have stopped looking for them.

Continue to look. Continue to hold gently to the possibility of a miracle waiting for you just around the next corner or the one after that.

Excuse me. I think I hear a strange whinnying outside my door.

I'll open it to have a look. My unicorn may be out there below my terrace right now waiting for me to go for a ride in the moonlight.

You never know.

Keep looking and believing, Roland


  1. 'the home of our hearts' ... I love that. Well said, Roland. I don't know what miracle Snowball needs, but I'll pray. I hope your Christmas is full of miracles and the most wonderful surprises. Be safe and God bless!

  2. Words Crafter:
    Thanks for the prayer for Snowball. He purrs his thanks. For me he gives me the middle pad salute. They took his temperature, and he claims that I took him to grey aliens who assaulted his dignity with an anal probe!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Alex:
    And a Merry Christmas to you, too!

  4. Yes, keep looking and believing. You are so right, Roland.
    Merry Christmas and my very best wishes to you and to Snowball!

  5. Looking for Unicorns is a good way to spend a day :)

    Merry Christmas Roland.


  6. ALways looking and always believing. :) Merry Christmas to you too! Sorry I've been MIA. I've been neck deep in a new job and a new book!

  7. Vesper:
    Snowball purrs his thanks. Me, he keeps giving the middle pad and rubbing his sore posterior!

    I am finishing up on DEATH IN THE HOUSE OF LIFE. Mark Twain bickering with Oscar Wilde makes me smile. :-)

    I keep looking out at the window in the night because you just never know. :-)

    My own blood center is demanding more and more of me, too. And DEATH IN THE HOUSE OF LIFE is a harsh mistress. I hope a few people pick it up. The ghosts of Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, and Nikola Tesla will never forgive me otherwise! Merry Christmas, Ms. MIA. :-)

  8. Have a safe, blessed Christmas Roland.


  9. Denise:
    You, too! A healing, joyeous Christmas and New Year for you and your travels!

  10. Merry Christmas Roland. Much joy and love and peace in 2014.

  11. Merry Christmas, Roland! See you in the New Year!


    I certainly can visualize you and your unicorn friend going on your next adventure.

    May this holiday season be as magical and your imagination!

    I hope you are not alone and spending it with the people you love.

    I know this is a difficult time for you as it is for me, but remember all the love and care we have as friends in this wonderful community!!!!

  13. Merry Christmas to you and to Snowball! Treat your feline gently if he's ill, hope he's better soon.

    Treat yourself gently too. Best wishes, Roland!

  14. Anne:
    Merry Christmas to you as well! May love and peace and success follow you now and through the New Year!

    The Father willing I will see you there in the New Year. :-)

    I am alone and not alone. Spirits of freinds and loved ones who have gone on ahead of me speak to me in memories.

    I hope your own Christmas Day is spent happily and at peace. Chicago must be beautiful at this time of year. I envy you the sights ... but not the rent! :-)

    Snowball is feeling better -- not back to his old self but better. His nose is wet and cold, his middle pad is up at me for taking him to the grey aliens who only looked human -- they assaulted him with an anal probe they laughingly called a thermometer!

    May the days ahead for you be filled with love and with magical things! Roland

  15. like it or not... you are going to have a great new year and that is because i have seen it in my crystal ball. shiny things are going to happen... all the best brother, may it all come true!

  16. Jeremy:
    My luck could use a swing up it seems!

    May the best come your way as well, along with many smiles and happy surprises! Thanks, my friend.
