So you can read my books

Saturday, April 30, 2016


"Everyone owes nature a death, but in our unconscious, we are immortal." 
- Sigmund Freud

"Everything ends badly -- that is why they end." 
- Samuel McCord

"There is nothing fair or well in farewells."
 - Empress Meilori Shinseen

 "When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always twenty years behind the times." 
- Mark Twain

The ghost of Sigmund Freud looked oddly sad as he said to me, 

"We now reach the letter Z.  What occurs to you now?" 

"Never the End," I said.

Mark nodded, "From Tom Sawyer to Huck Finn, I always had trouble with endings, too."

Freud shook his head.  "Why am I not surprised that even here at the end, you make this all about yourself?"

Mark Twain sighed, 

"You, of all people, should know that death has always been a door only one person wide."

Freud twirled his still unlit cigar.  

"Yes, that is why I requested my doctor to end my life with morphine when the pain became too great to bear."  

He looked off into the darkness.  "It was my door to open when I wished.  My doctor agreed."

Freud gestured to our haunted surroundings.  "And after all my talk about Thanatos, I find myself here."

Mark smiled sadly, 

"Your life was never what you expected, brother, so why expect death to be any different?"

Freud raised an eyebrow. "Brother?"

"Of course brother.  

We're both ghosts so that makes us brothers, don't you know?

Why, if you t'weren't my brother, I'd have to kill you.  And since you can't kill ghosts, I decided to think of you as a brother."

Mark smiled crooked, "Of course, I think of you as the black sheep of the family."

Freud squeezed the bridge of his nose.  "You would."

Mark glanced over the doctor's shoulder.  "Why if it isn't Napoleon over there playing chess with Darwin."

Mark winked at Freud.  "Let's wander over there and pop some pompous ego's.  It'll be fun."

Freud shook his head.  "You will not drag me into another maddening exchange of nonsense."

Mark nodded off to our right.  "Why, lookee there.  Old Jung and Adler are heading our way."

Freud hastily got up without looking.  I did.  Neither were to be seen.  Mark winked at me.

Freud sighed, 

"I suppose I should accompany you to spare Napoleon and Darwin from your uncensored wit."

Mark tugged on the man's arm.  "This will be a hoot.  Just you watch."

I got up to join them when I noticed Napoleon had a pistol in his waist sash.  

I remembered how innocent by-standers fared at Meilori's.  

I sat back down.  

I smiled wide.  This had certainly been one A TO Z CHALLENGE I'd not forget.

How about you?


  1. Well done on finishing with another fabulous post, Roland. I certainly won't forget this challenge any time soon - it's been a fascinating experience.

    Susan A Eames from
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  2. Well done on finishing with another fabulous post, Roland. I certainly won't forget this challenge any time soon - it's been a fascinating experience.

    Susan A Eames from
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  3. Great series, Roland. We are finished, but never done. :)

    1. I like to think our souls go on and on. This world is but boot camp, preparing us for service in another realm. :-)

  4. Superb ending Roland. Now please light that damned cigar! :) :) Thanks so much for the daily conversations. Its been a real pleasure to read your words. Thanks also for supporting my posts - nothing as intellectually stimulating but I hope I caused a giggle or two :) Have a lovely weekend and look forward to your next posts.

    1. Alas, Freud died of mouth and throat cancer so he will never light that cigar! Too many painful memories.

      I am on solo duty at the blood center all this weekend. Already runs in blinding rain and a flat tire on the van!!!! Ouch.

      I miss your daily visits and comments. I really enjoyed your posts, too.

  5. Hi Roland ... what a great Z for never end ... always lots of intellectual thought going on here ... bantering across the eras, with scientists, historians, literary experts ... a clever idea for the A-Z ... cheers Hilary

    1. You're very kind to say those words, Hilary. Hope all is well in your world. Me, I am constantly on the go this weekend ... except when I had that darn flat on the van!!

  6. Roland, this has been so enjoyable. You are a master of these characters. Thanks for playing. I enjoyed it so much.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. As I enjoyed your delightful excerpts. I will them and your visits.

  7. Replies
    1. Like with novels, the end to challenges is the most important. :-)

  8. More brilliance? And at the end of one very long month, too. Brothers in death, but not in life. That sounds so like human nature, doesn't it? And popping pompous egos? One of my favorite Twain lines. These conversations have been entertaining and enlightening, so thanks for that. Thanks, too for the audio book. I've started it and now that challenge is at an end, I'll have time to finish listening.

    1. The brilliance is all Mark Twain and Freud! I have enjoyed my visits to Cuba through your blog, Lee.

      I hope you enjoy my book. I know you will enjoy the banter between Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde once you get to Egypt!

      Me? I will be busily writing McCord's rescue of Princess Victoria from the Sidhe and High Queen Oyggia in my Steampunk sequel. :-) Don't be a stranger, hear?

  9. I've felt somethings, rather like a fly sitting on a wall, listening to these conversations. They have been sad, humorous, and thought provoking. Thanks for this most interesting of Challenges.

    1. Thank you, Bish, for this comment. After Becky's comment on the last post, I was afraid I had been hurtful when I tried to be entertaining and fun! I've enjoyed all your Shakespearean insults! :-)

  10. This was an interesting theme you picked for 2016. I learned a bit more about the man Freud, but it didn't make me like him any better. Good that you had TWain to lighten the mood. . .

    1. My initial intent for this Free Association Challenge was completely different than what it eventually became.

      The more I learned of Freud, the more I knew I needed Twain to provide a needful counterbalance!

      I enjoyed learning more about some of my own favorite authors from your blog. :-)

  11. A great end to a great month of stories and conversations. It's a pleasure always to visit your site! Congratulations on completing the A to Z - are you taking a break or posting on? Me, I need that break but not until after the IWSG. See you Wednesday!
    Happy May!

  12. A perfect ghostly finish to a never-ending exchange. Cheers to you and your phantom friends for a fabulous journey from AtoZ!

    The AtoZ of EOS

    1. Thanks, Samantha! You're very kind to say so. :-) Due to an overload of work as a rare blood courier, I was not able to visit all my friends this challenge. :-(

  13. Outstanding body of A-Z literature, you pulled the challenge off, with ease of a master of many fields.

    I think you would enjoy this link, posted also in your May 1st Blog-

  14. I guess we did get a "The End" after all. As for me, I'm glad it's over. I kind of wonder what I was thinking when I started.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

    1. At the end of each A TO Z, I think I will never do another -- much like I think at the end of each novel! :-) Thanks for visiting and talking awhile. It means a lot.

    2. Thank You for these daily gifts Roland. Very enjoyable to read, thought provoking, and painted with a Master's hand and touch.

      I hope you re-consider next years A-Z, you're too gifted otherwise. (is there such a thing as too gifted, maybe "to" but not "too"...Tip of the Hat to Ya'...

    3. Thanks, Robert. Spent all day on jury duty. Whew! After a full week, it took its toll. You are very kind about my writing. Thanks again! :-)
