So you can read my books

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


You see the need all your life --
 though you may not recognize it 
until high school 
or later ... 
or never.

But it is there.

It seems so many are hungry for the security of walking in the footprints 

of someone who declares confidently that they know THE way.

Being an adult in the world in which we find ourselves is a scary proposition.

Take the Marie Kondo phenomenon.

From Jennifer Gardner to hordes of Netflix watchers, 

new disciples are taking up her challenge to tidy up, much to the delight of thrift stores and Container Stores.

Last month, it was Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 

whose fact-challenged resume and fact challenged solutions to enormous problems seemed not to matter to her supporters.

For Ms. Kondo, the focus is unironic and extremely personal.

 It calls for inwardness and quiet contemplation, 

two things that are rarely celebrated in our too-performative world. 

We’ve been looking in the wrong places 
for meaning and happiness. 

 We keep looking ahead for answers, 
when maybe we should be looking inward.

Only answers we carve out ourselves 
through effort and thought 
will endure the test of time.

Perhaps that is why so many get so violent 
when your view of life seeks to intrude into theirs
with something so mild as a question.

Inside they feel insubstantial,
and they fear their inner core
in danger of being blown away.

What really matters is what’s inside us. 

Our character and hearts.

 It’s the core of who we are 
that others appreciate most. 

Our unique personality, honesty and authenticity.

 And perhaps our sense of humor.

“The privilege of a lifetime is 
to become who you truly are.” 
― C.G. Jung


  1. Very thought provoking post. Years ago, I realized I don't have a clue about much of anything. I also realized that I can barely keep myself together, much less tell other people how to live. But I did decided that to try to be something I'm not takes too much energy, so out of pure laziness, I try to live a congruent life. The person you meet online is the same dipshit you'd meet in real life. And yeah, I'd love to meet someone who could give me all the answers, but then I have to honestly admit that usually I KNOW what I need to do, but I'm often too lazy to actually do it.

    And I'm not sure why we are so threatened by differing ideas anymore. I have stopped giving opinions. There is too much anger on both sides and wafflers like myself often get hit with crossfire.

    1. I don't believe you are a waffler. Like me, perhaps you realized that no one was listening ... except to their own internal muzac. :-)

      The inner turmoil and often the outer I think stems from your point that most do not congruent lives: the dichotomy of what they say versus what they do when no one is looking is throwing our culture out of balance.

      Thanks for such an insightful comment, Elizabeth!

  2. I had a recent revelation. Yes, it took me this long. Each person has their own insecurities. It's such a waste of time. It's also taken me this long to realize that it's a waste of time to be insecure. Maybe I should write a book about that! I'm an expert in the field of insecurity. Ha.

    1. Yes, and we can hardly handle our own insecurities sometimes much less handle the dysfunctional behavior stemming from the insecurities of others! I think that may be part of the present turmoil in our world.

      That book idea of yours might work! :-)
