The crowd was even wilder and more undead than last night with Jeremy Hawkins.
Or it finished him. Meilori's is that kind of place.
Tarja had even agreed to once more sing with Nightwish. Floor Jansen and Anette Olzon were not amused. The two of them were whispering in the wings.
I sighed. Nothing ever went right at Meilori's. Marco Hietala was playing the bass guitar next to Alex, his face beaming with pleasure and excitement.
Elu, though Apache, was on center stage wailing the Lakota chant to CREEK MARY'S BLOOD.
Suddenly, Floor and Anette flung themselves on a startled Tarja. A wavering figure leapt at Elu from the other side of the stage.
The ghost of George Armstrong Custer, roaring, "Take my scalp, will you?"
Elu made short work of Custer ... again.
But with Tarja, Floor, and Anette there was such a flurry of corsets flying, legs flailing, and assorted bared flesh that Alice Wentworth covered my eyes with her cold, cold fingers.
I heard a crash. Alex stood with Marco's shattered guitar in his hands, having snatched it to smash an attacking fan of Anette over the head.
Marco roared, "Why did you take my guitar to do that?"
Alex smiled, "I love MY guitar. Yours not so much."
It took a bit from Sam McCord, Elu, and Father Renfield but things finally settled down ... a bit.
Alex sat down with a gush, "Roland, why do things turn into a furball with you?"
There was nothing to say to that as Alex groaned, " Life used to be so simple. I worked. I watched movies and played games. I jammed on my guitar, played with my band. I volunteered at church, and my wife even remembered what my face looked like."
He shook his head. "My life wasn't adventurous, but I liked it."
He smiled wryly, "And then, I found that manuscript I wrote in my teens, and my life has never been the same."
"How do you do it?" I asked.
Alex made a face. "It takes usually six hours a day to visit my quota of 100 blogs and comment. I won't be able to keep up the pace forever. But then, this is my last book."
Sam raised an eyebrow, and Alex smiled ruefully, "Yes, I have an outline for another Sci Fi book but right now my music is taking off."
Alex looked dubiously at the wreckage on stage. "But tonight has given me second thoughts about that."
I asked, "Do you have any writing rituals or superstitions?"
"I’m not superstitious, but I do like everything just so before I write – water bottle in place, music playing, and my mood relaxed."
"Describe a typical writing day?" I smiled.
"I work full time and occasionally have time to write during the day. But the bulk of my work is done in the evenings, after I’ve chilled with a sports show and about 30 minutes of guitar playing."

"Where do you write?" asked Alice.
Sam cocked his head, "Do you wing it when you write?"
"I don’t do anything in life without a plan! I created detailed character profiles before writing any of the story. Since the main characters remained even when the story changed, their personalities and traits just fell into place."
From out of the shadows a battered Tarja, Floor, and Anette limped up to our table and as one asked, "Whose voice do you prefer?"
Behind them, the hulking Marco growled, "You owe me a guitar!"
Alex glared at me. "Roland, you always do this to me!"
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{Elu you can spot easy -- can you spot Alex?}

Ha! This was a fun post :) I'm sort of stuck on the Six. Hours. A. Day. I'd be a zombie. Seriously. And no one, absolutely NO ONE would want to be around me. I get grouchy when I'm sleep deprived. Downright creature-ish, in fact. Hey-I could hang out at Meilori's!
ReplyDeleteThat was awesome! Scary how much you remembered. And no, I would never smash MY guitar.
ReplyDeleteI see I've already blown someone's mind with the six hours. Won't even tell you how many today. And I'm about to launch into a Twitter party.
A Ninja's work is never done.
And I'm not buying that dude a new guitar.
Words Crafter:
ReplyDeleteI had fun with Alex at Meilori's. Of course, I had Sam to watch over me!
Yes, SIX HOURS A DAY is a mind-freezer! Just writing on my novel for six hours today wore me out. Oh, look for the first section of HER BONES ARE IN THE BADLANDS this Friday!
And you're welcome at Meilori's any time -- just bring your pepper spray and track shoes!
Wasn't that fun? You are a friend, Alex -- I remember stuff about my friends. :-)
I know you love your guitar. Your wife might smash it though if you get her peeved at you!
I groan thinking how many hours you spent today on the net, blogging!
Twitter Party? Ah, I don't even know what that is -- guess that is why my sales are so low.
And being part of a popular band like NIGHTWISH, Marco can afford his own new guitar!! :-)
Now we are all waiting for a youtube video of Alex singing/playing the guitar. Imaginative post, Roland.
ReplyDeleteImagination is the lifeblood of this writing courier! I'm happy you enjoyed this free-for-all. Alex says he'll never forgive me. :-)
Excellent post and I loved that music in the trailer.
ReplyDeleteI can only guess that Alex as usual is hiding in the shadows, but I couldn't see him clearly. Was he the one where we saw only the hands playing the guitar?
Of course a Ninja Capt'n never reveals ALL of his secrets. We don't need to know. Nice shadow photo, it lends mystery to the Capt'n. Love the Meilori's setting.
ReplyDeleteWasn't the beginning of CREEK MARY'S BLOOD evocative and haunting? Yes, he was the one where you could only see his hands playing the guitar. A Ninja Captain has to stay in the shadows at all time!
I love putting my writing friends in Meilori's smoky, supernatural atmosphere. It makes the interview distinctive I think. I'm glad you think so, too. :-)
Always exciting at Meilori's :)
ReplyDeleteLove Creek Mary's Blood. I need to put some Nightwish on my Kindle fire. I'm still figuring out the danged thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to figure out my Kindle fire HD, too. I use it mostly for audiobooks when I drive.
CREEK MARY'S BLOOD is a fine song, especially this extended version of it.
Meilori's is never boring!! :-)
HA! That was an Epic post.
ReplyDeleteI could just visualize Alex Smashing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for following. I'm glad you liked my post. They don't call Alex the Ninja Captain for nothing! :-)
You certainly know how to bring things to life...and death at Meilorie's. Loved your post and the music. Great tribute to a great man.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a rough place but Alex survived. Even if Marco's guitar did not.
ReplyDeletesweet guitar muse, i enjoyed this... this is one monster of a place.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the info about Alex. I often wondered how he made the rounds to visit so many blogs.
ReplyDeleteIn just a few minutes, you will be the focus of the moment at Meilori's!
Marco can afford another one. Rough night? Just hang around for a few minutes more for Ragnarok!
You have a standing invitation at Meilori's! :-)
Yes, to spend at least 6 hours a day blogging astounds me.
This was a great tour-stop! So much fun!