there are some of my new friends that may not know of the history of Victor and his ghoul friend, Alice.
Here is the link to their first meeting, told from both perspectives :
But now, Lenny, for your story told by Victor Standish himself :
{Since it is 110 degrees in my apartment, I asked Victor to make it a nice chilly Christmas story! LOL.}
Alice and I stumbled through the mirror. Elu, that Apache Trickster, had surprised us both by grabbing and pulling us into his mirror world.
His Christmas present he laughed.
We came out in the middle of a roaring fireplace. We jumped right out of that blasted inferno. Lucky for us it was big enough to roast a buffalo.
"Oh, my!," gasped Alice as she looked all around.
"What you said, " I whispered.
We were in a humongous great hall. Three gleaming tables ran down the length of it. Twelve giant Christmas trees lined the stone walls.
And it was snowing.
Snowing! Snowing inside this enormous hall. Each flake seemed to be singing. And glowing with a tiny gleam of winter laughter.
I looked up, and my mouth dropped down.
Dozens upon dozens of tall candles were floating high above us, right below a vaulted ceiling painted to look like a night's sky.
I went a little cold. The fluffy clouds were moving. One slowly covered the spectral full moon.
Alice gasped, "Oh my, where are we?"
I smiled crooked, "We're not in Kansas any more, Toto."
"You are so not funny!"
An old man's voice rumbled behind us. "And you are in so much trouble."
I sighed, "Oh, crap -- ah, merde."
The man laughed. "It still means the same thing."
I turned around slowly. "Yeah, but when you're in the company of a beautiful .... Oh, wow."
The man was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt.
He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled, buckled boots. His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles.
And his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice.
"Merlin?," I croaked.
He smiled like Santa Claus and said, "Albus Dumbledore. And you?"
I smiled back. "I'm Victor Standish, and this is ..."
His smile turned impish, "Your ... ghoul friend, Alice Wentworth."
Alice looked like she was about to kick a shin, but he chuckled so good-naturedly that she relaxed smooth as you please. I just had to learn how to chuckle like that.
Alice looked shocked. "Y-You do not mind that I am a ghoul?"
He reached out and gently patted her head. "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. And your choices have always come from a good heart."
Alice's neon-blue eyes widened. "How do you know that?"
Dumbledore laughed softly. "Because I am quite possibly the most powerful wizard of my time."
"And humble, too," I snorted.
Alice slapped my left arm. "Hush! We are uninvited guests. Show some manners."
I grinned sheepish. "We didn't mean to barge into ...."
I frantically searched my face with flying fingers. "Where?"
He smiled amused and sad all at once. "Where you're standing."
I leapt back, looking at the spot I just left. "I don't see anything."
Alice rolled her eyes. "He means the place we are standing, this great hall, genius."
"Oh, I knew tha ...."
I suddenly heard a whispery, dirty-silk voice inside my head. "Kill. Kill. Kill!"
Dumbledore saw my look and tapped my arm. "You heard the basilisk?"
I brightened up considerably. I could pay my way here. Perhaps even get one of those roast turkeys on the tables.
Maybe they would be magic, and Alice could actually eat it without getting sick. Now, that would be a great Christmas present.
"Hey, I'm no Perseus, mind you, but I could fight that monster for you."
Alice frowned, "That is the Medusa you are thinking about!"
Dumbledore smiled like a forgiving grandfather. "You meant well. But this challenge is for someone else's growth."
I heard a thunder of footfalls, and three voices arguing like good friends will at the other end of this enormous hall.
"Speaking of which," Dumbledore said. "Here he comes now with his two friends of legend."
"Legend?," I asked.
Dumbledore nodded with such a sad look to his wise face. "Yes, but the legend will come at great price."
I nodded back. "Yeah, that's the sucky, ah, bad thing about being a legend : the price tag that goes with it."
Dumbledore gestured, and a silver platter filled to overflowing with a roast turkey appeared in his hands. He gave it to a stunned Alice.
"But, sir, I cannot eat this without becoming ill."
He mussed my hair. "You were right, Victor, it is magic. Your Alice can eat her full of this."
He turned to her seriously. "But only on Christmas Night."
Alice look troubled. "Oh, tell me that I can share."
Dumbledore's eyes sparkled with eyes both happy and sad. "Alice, that is the truth of Christmas. There is no joy unless you share."
"Oh, thank you, Mr. Dumbledore."
He smiled at some private joke it seemed, and shook his head. "Your champion thought of it as payment for slaying the basilisk."
"But I didn't kill it," I protested.
He sighed, "Just this once I wanted intent to be worthy of merit. But I cannot let you be seen by my approaching three young legends. Off with you!"
The world exploded in stars. A ghostly music filled the air. I heard Dumbledore's whisper in my ear, though all I saw was a rainbow showering all around me.
"Tell Elu to shepherd his own legends."
I felt my hair mussed again. "And tell him thank you for giving me the opportunity to share joy."
Then, Alice and I were back in the real world. Or as real as it ever got for me.
I love reading about Victor in a awhimsical tale like this! Dumbledore's mussing of his hair made me laugh! Thank you Roland, this was delightful.
ReplyDeleteEven more delightful the second time around...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry your living situation hasn't changed. Stay cool if you can...
We miss you around the blogosphere.
Heather :
ReplyDeleteThanks your words made my sweltering evening so much better!
Michael :
Cool is a frame of mind. At least that's what I keep telling myself!
The ultimate fan fiction!
ReplyDeleteNicely done Roland, as usual :)
Sarah :
ReplyDeleteI thought if Lenny liked Harry Potter, he would like this invasion of Hogwarts by Victor and Alice. Thanks for the nice words, Roland