Don't forget to order your copy of STORIES FOR SENDAI. It will help the hurting in Japan and not get you on the bad side of Mesmer. Brrrr. :
My 400 word Friday entry for the Romantic Challenge given by Francine and Denise comes from the sequel to LOVE LIKE DEATH. Its title? THE PATH BACK TO DAWN.
Sixteen year old Blake Adamson has lost his heart both to a fallen angel and an alien succubus. Neither will share him. One or the other will kill him. Fallen, of THE LAST FAE, already has chained him to a tree in the wilderness to slowly starve rahter than chance him being corrupted by the infamous DayStar.
Kirika, the succubus, and Hone Heke, the fearsome Maori warrior, have been stunned to discover Blake still alive after six months of starvation.
He has survived by eating half of one of Idun's golden apples of imortality, gift of the Odin Raven, Muninn. He has saved the other half for the two girls he loves more than his own life.
In giving the saved quarter to Kirika, the succubus, who has found him, Blake finds love is never what he expects :
I frowned at my trembling. I was so weak. I fumbled at the button cinching my left shirt pocket.
I looked at Kirika. “W-Would you?”
She teasingly slapped my fingers. “The first of many buttons I will gladly undo, beloved.”
Beloved. I saw images of us wrapped in each other’s arms, doing things I knew we shouldn’t.
Not with Hone standing right there.
She quickly undid the button. Smiling wickedly, she dug into my pocket. She jerked her hand away.
Hone snapped, “What kind of trick did you pull?”
Kirika shook her head. “No tricks, Hone. Only a love that shames me.”
I pulled out the glowing slice of Idun’s apple. I looked at it. It wasn’t a jewel, but why was Kirika acting this way? Hone looked sick.
“I - I know it isn’t much --”
“Not much? Starving to death, you kept this. For me. Beyond the diamonds of suitors, I will treasure this gift.”
She slowly took it from my fingers. “Always.”
She brought it to my lips. “Now, eat, beloved.”
Muninn cawed, “Do not worry, Lady Kirika. He hast eaten a full half of ...”
Muninn looked like he could have bitten off his tongue
Kirika quickly reached into my right shirt pocket. Her eyes narrowed into slits.
“You saved a quarter for the Sidhe bitch? Fallen? She who left you chained to a tree to die slowly of starvation? You insult me!”
Muninn rasped,“I beg thee to pause an instant.”
Kirika spit in my face. I jerked. Time to leave.
“Hold, young fool. She dost not understand.”
Kirika husked, “Enlighten me, raven.”
“Hast thou truly tasted of this one’s spirit?”
“I was deceived by my loneliness.”
“Perhaps thou hast forgotten what meaning the boy places on his left side.”
“I do not understand.”
“Dost thou see no significance in his placing the apple he meant for thee in the pocket --- over his heart?”
Kirika’s lips quivered. She threw slender arms around me. “What a jealous fool I am! You did choose me over her. Over her.”
She kissed me. I couldn’t enjoy it. I would have placed her slice in my right pocket but for Muninn’s request. Muninn murmured in my ear.
“Sayest the truth, and I wilt peck out thine eye as I didst Odin’s.”
My silence was to spare Kirika’s heart not my eye. But it wasn’t any less a lie.