As my city stands it seems in the crosshairs of Hurricane Isaac,
Victor urged me to remember the DANSE MARDI GRAS:
I had never seen Captain Sam so happy.
Meilori was back in his arms though it meant a target on my back. Mardi Gras was a thing of laughter within his haunted jazz club once again.
I felt like baying like a happy hound myself. Alice was flowing towards me in a black sleek dress whose long skirt was slit for the tango.
Her porcelain shoulders bare, long blonde hair a living waterfall upon them, long black gloves up past her elbows.
She leaned against me to the tempo of Grace Jones singing “Strange, I’ve Seen That Face Before.”
“What is this tune?,” she whispered in my ear.
“The Libertango,” I smiled.
“I do feel liberated,” she husked, running her toe up, then down my right leg.
“Me, too,” spoke Meilori as she slipped between Alice and me, whipping the two of us away.
Jade eyes which had watched Aztec sacrifices scream for mercy that never came stabbed into me.
“So you are the son I could never give Samuel?”
“We don’t have to be enemies,” I whispered, seeing a concerned Captain Sam taking up a frantic Alice in his arms to continue the tango towards us.
Meilori laughed a thing from nightmares.
“Oh, do not worry, Standish. Once I kill you, I will forget all about you.”
She gazed mockingly at Alice as she rubbed her body against mine, and I sighed, “You can destroy me as an enemy in another way.”
“You can make a friend of me.”
A Harlequin spun me from Meilori’s arms, shaking off her belled hat, long silk black hair tumbling down on colorful shoulders.
Maija. I wondered when she’d show.
Meilori gasped, “But you are dead!”
“Your savage of a husband only managed to kill my followers. DayStar saved me.”
I shook my head as Maija spun me in the female’s role of the tango and snorted, “DayStar doesn’t save. He damns.”
“To revenge myself against my sister, McCord, and you, I welcome damnation.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sam sweep Meilori in his arms as she whispered hurriedly to him. Marshall Hickok took up Alice and danced the tango awkwardly towards us.
Maija swept me down in a sudden dip, wrenched me up against her breasts (Aw, jeez, she didn’t believe in underwear), and hissed into my ear.
“Tonight I will pay you back for that ‘Menage a Trois’ lie you spread about you, your ghoul, and myself in 1834!”
I snapped her out, then back into my arms as the tango heated up. “Hey, I happened to ruin my reputation while improving yours with that!”
“I will kill you slowly for those words.”
“Take a number. It’s a long line.”
Another woman, this time dressed as Marie Antoinette, tugged me out of Maija’s arms.
Despite the white wig, I recognized the insane cobalt blue eyes. Empress Theodora, ruler of the European Revenant Empire.
“Royalty first, Ningyo swine!”
My dance card was getting too damn full. Theodora laughed throaty.
“Ah, my subjects are whispering that I am renewing our tawdry love affair. Another lie you have sown about your betters!”
Father Renfield and Sister Magda were twirling effortlessly towards us, their faces grim. So was Sam with Meilori and Alice with Hickok. I smiled grimly.
Lady Lovelace and Margaret Fuller were scandalizing the crowd by dancing together my way. They were too far away to get here in time.
Theodora’s steel fingers squeezed my upper arms tight. She was about to pull apart my arms and make a wish.
I smiled sad. “You’re all alone.”
“My subjects are mixed all through this crowd within Meilori’s.”
“And still alone.”
I dipped her suddenly. Jeez, didn’t any of my enemies believe in underwear?
I got a terrible mental image of Major Strasser. If I survived this tango, I was going to have to take a bath in Listerine.
“You are surrounded by toadies who are too terrified to say anything but yes to you.”
Theodora snapped up, pressing me close to her, running her own toe up and down my right leg. “And that is bad?”
“One day, your worshipfulness, you’re going to be at a terrible crossroads, not knowing which way to take. And those toadies’ words won’t help worth shit.”
I smiled wide, taking precise quick, flowing steps between her fast moving high-heeled feet as we moved fluid over the dance floor.
“Then, you’ll think of me, too stupid to lie – even to an enemy.”
Theodora studied me. “You would save my life? Why?”
“Because we’re both street gypsies. You’re just a clever daughter of a bear trainer who slept her way to the top. Me? I’m gutter trash. We’re alike and both alone in ways no one but we will ever understand.”
Theodora flicked flat eyes to Alice, and I shook my head.
“She was raised to be a Victorian lady. Like you, I was raised to survive in a world that didn’t much want me to.”
“Alike and alone,” Theodora husked.
Her cobalt eyes deepened, became wet. Before I could react Theodora crushed her cold lips into mine.
“Hey, no tongue on a first date!”
Alice was suddenly by my side. Theodora laughed oddly, linking her arm with an uneasy Hickok. “Standish, you live … for tonight. You have given me much to think over.”
Alice’s pale face became all eyes. “What was that kiss about? What did you do, Victor?”
Sam and Meilori danced to a halt in front of me. I looked into the disturbed eyes of Meilori, sighing, “Followed my own advise.”
{Excerpt from Victor's sixth book, DANSE MARDI GRAS. The 4th & 5th? THREE SPIRIT KNIGHT and SLAY BELLES IN THE NIGHT.}
*Anouchka Unel, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publishes it under the following license:
Copyleft: This work of art is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it according to terms of the Free Art License. You will find a specimen of this license on the Copyleft Attitude site.
For Antonio Banderas fans - {You owe it to yourselves to view this full screen}
Victor urged me to remember the DANSE MARDI GRAS:
I had never seen Captain Sam so happy.
Meilori was back in his arms though it meant a target on my back. Mardi Gras was a thing of laughter within his haunted jazz club once again.
I felt like baying like a happy hound myself. Alice was flowing towards me in a black sleek dress whose long skirt was slit for the tango.
Her porcelain shoulders bare, long blonde hair a living waterfall upon them, long black gloves up past her elbows.
She leaned against me to the tempo of Grace Jones singing “Strange, I’ve Seen That Face Before.”
“What is this tune?,” she whispered in my ear.
“The Libertango,” I smiled.
“I do feel liberated,” she husked, running her toe up, then down my right leg.
“Me, too,” spoke Meilori as she slipped between Alice and me, whipping the two of us away.
Jade eyes which had watched Aztec sacrifices scream for mercy that never came stabbed into me.
“So you are the son I could never give Samuel?”
“We don’t have to be enemies,” I whispered, seeing a concerned Captain Sam taking up a frantic Alice in his arms to continue the tango towards us.
Meilori laughed a thing from nightmares.
“Oh, do not worry, Standish. Once I kill you, I will forget all about you.”
She gazed mockingly at Alice as she rubbed her body against mine, and I sighed, “You can destroy me as an enemy in another way.”
“You can make a friend of me.”
A Harlequin spun me from Meilori’s arms, shaking off her belled hat, long silk black hair tumbling down on colorful shoulders.
Maija. I wondered when she’d show.
Meilori gasped, “But you are dead!”
“Your savage of a husband only managed to kill my followers. DayStar saved me.”
I shook my head as Maija spun me in the female’s role of the tango and snorted, “DayStar doesn’t save. He damns.”
“To revenge myself against my sister, McCord, and you, I welcome damnation.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sam sweep Meilori in his arms as she whispered hurriedly to him. Marshall Hickok took up Alice and danced the tango awkwardly towards us.
Maija swept me down in a sudden dip, wrenched me up against her breasts (Aw, jeez, she didn’t believe in underwear), and hissed into my ear.
“Tonight I will pay you back for that ‘Menage a Trois’ lie you spread about you, your ghoul, and myself in 1834!”
I snapped her out, then back into my arms as the tango heated up. “Hey, I happened to ruin my reputation while improving yours with that!”
“I will kill you slowly for those words.”
“Take a number. It’s a long line.”
Another woman, this time dressed as Marie Antoinette, tugged me out of Maija’s arms.
Despite the white wig, I recognized the insane cobalt blue eyes. Empress Theodora, ruler of the European Revenant Empire.
“Royalty first, Ningyo swine!”
My dance card was getting too damn full. Theodora laughed throaty.
“Ah, my subjects are whispering that I am renewing our tawdry love affair. Another lie you have sown about your betters!”
Father Renfield and Sister Magda were twirling effortlessly towards us, their faces grim. So was Sam with Meilori and Alice with Hickok. I smiled grimly.
Lady Lovelace and Margaret Fuller were scandalizing the crowd by dancing together my way. They were too far away to get here in time.
Theodora’s steel fingers squeezed my upper arms tight. She was about to pull apart my arms and make a wish.
I smiled sad. “You’re all alone.”
“My subjects are mixed all through this crowd within Meilori’s.”
“And still alone.”
I dipped her suddenly. Jeez, didn’t any of my enemies believe in underwear?
I got a terrible mental image of Major Strasser. If I survived this tango, I was going to have to take a bath in Listerine.
“You are surrounded by toadies who are too terrified to say anything but yes to you.”
Theodora snapped up, pressing me close to her, running her own toe up and down my right leg. “And that is bad?”
“One day, your worshipfulness, you’re going to be at a terrible crossroads, not knowing which way to take. And those toadies’ words won’t help worth shit.”
I smiled wide, taking precise quick, flowing steps between her fast moving high-heeled feet as we moved fluid over the dance floor.
“Then, you’ll think of me, too stupid to lie – even to an enemy.”
Theodora studied me. “You would save my life? Why?”
“Because we’re both street gypsies. You’re just a clever daughter of a bear trainer who slept her way to the top. Me? I’m gutter trash. We’re alike and both alone in ways no one but we will ever understand.”
Theodora flicked flat eyes to Alice, and I shook my head.
“She was raised to be a Victorian lady. Like you, I was raised to survive in a world that didn’t much want me to.”
“Alike and alone,” Theodora husked.
Her cobalt eyes deepened, became wet. Before I could react Theodora crushed her cold lips into mine.
“Hey, no tongue on a first date!”
Alice was suddenly by my side. Theodora laughed oddly, linking her arm with an uneasy Hickok. “Standish, you live … for tonight. You have given me much to think over.”
Alice’s pale face became all eyes. “What was that kiss about? What did you do, Victor?”
Sam and Meilori danced to a halt in front of me. I looked into the disturbed eyes of Meilori, sighing, “Followed my own advise.”
{Excerpt from Victor's sixth book, DANSE MARDI GRAS. The 4th & 5th? THREE SPIRIT KNIGHT and SLAY BELLES IN THE NIGHT.}
*Anouchka Unel, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publishes it under the following license:
Copyleft: This work of art is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it according to terms of the Free Art License. You will find a specimen of this license on the Copyleft Attitude site.
For Antonio Banderas fans - {You owe it to yourselves to view this full screen}
Now I need to know if you tango :)Love this movie!
ReplyDelete...sharing a dance while in the path of Isaac's fury, Roland I envy your brevity ;)
ReplyDeleteGood luck, my friend. I'll be thinking of you.
Is there anyone who doesn't want to kill Victor?
ReplyDeleteYou stay safe the next few days, Roland.
ReplyDeleteKathleen, my finacee, and I danced in Tango competitions. I have not danced since she died. Can you believe I have never seen this movie? :-)
Laugh while the breath remains to us is my philosophy. It is going to be "interesting" these next few days. Wish me well. Driving with water halfway up my van door, delivering rare blood, and winds hammering my van is always dangerous as I strain to see the road through blinding rains.
Ah, Victor doesn't want to kill Victor ... though the way he smarts off to vicious entities with the power to lay waste to entire cities you'd think he did!
ReplyDeleteKathleen, my finacee, and I danced in Tango competitions. I have not danced since she died. Can you believe I have never seen this movie? :-)
Laugh while the breath remains to us is my philosophy. It is going to be "interesting" these next few days. Wish me well. Driving with water halfway up my van door, delivering rare blood, and winds hammering my van is always dangerous as I strain to see the road through blinding rains.
Ah, Victor doesn't want to kill Victor ... though the way he smarts off to vicious entities with the power to lay waste to entire cities you'd think he did!
Never a safe moment for your characters Roland. I see its never a safe moment for you either.
ReplyDeleteI guess that's why my characters and I get along so well! :-)
Besides safety is an illusion & life more fragile than we want to admit.
Perhaps that's why Victor Standish adopts the following style of life:
Do as little harm to others as you can. Sacrifice for your true friends.
Be responsible for yourself, ask nothing of others, and grab all the fun you can.
Don't give much thought to yesterday, don't worry about tomorrow, and live in the moment.
Act as if your existence has meaning even when the world seems all blind chance and chaos.
And when life lands a fist to your face, do your best to respond to the fist as if it had been a cream pie.