Huff. Pant. Gasp. All this running is wearing me out!
Miss Olivia, I'll be there. Don't you worry!
But first, I want to read Mr. Roland's entry into Mr. Michael's HARRY POTTER BEST MATE blogfest :

{From the journal of Captain Samuel McCord} :
I walked through the mirror into Dumbledore's office. The scent to the air was of cherry blossoms. I smiled bitterly. It was the perfume of my wife, Meilori. He was trying to make me feel welcome and only managing to make me feel more alone.
Poor Albus. He was so wise in so many things ...
just not in matters of the heart.
Which explained his being fooled by Gellert Grindelwald.
I made my way through the maze of spindly tables upon which sat delicate looking silver instruments that whirred and emitted small puffs of smoke, as well as an incredible collection of books, which made up Dumbledore's private library, and his ill-advised Pensieve.
Fawkes the phoenix chirped my way. I winked back. The Sorting Hat chuckled. I grinned back.
Albus smiled as if it hurt him. "Come sit down, Samuel."
He was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, and a purple cloak.
His nose was very long and crooked. Being broken will do that to a nose. The first break came from Gellert's fist. The second came from mine in the fight that broke out when I told him the truth about Gellert.
He forgave me. Friends do that. Even to friends who speak painful truths.
As I sat down at his round desk, I pointed to his withered right hand. "Voldemort?"
He shook his head. "I myself have opened the door to the next great adventure I'm afraid."
I started to reach for his gnarled right hand. "Maybe I can ...."
A voice with all the warmth of a slap said to my left, "Do what the world's mightiest wizard could not do? Hardly!"
I turned. Serverus Snape. He gloomed a room just by entering it.
I smiled crooked. "Still wearing the cast-off's from THE ADAMS FAMILY movie I see. Angelica Huston looked better in that dress."
His right eyebrow arched so high that I was surprised it didn't cut his forehead. "How droll. Low humor from a muggle. How unsurprising."
I wagged a gloved forefinger at him. "You know you like me."
Snape looked as if he smelled his own upper lip. "Me? A friend to a muggle?"
Albus' blue eyes twinkled. "You will note that he did not deny it."
He pointed to the empty seat at the other side of the table. "Come, Serverus. Samuel promised to teach us that colorfully named game. Ah, what was it now?"
The blood of the Angel of Death burned cold in my veins as it murmured I would never see either one of them alive again. I managed a smile.
"Texas Hold 'Em."
Snape sniffed the air touched with the kiss of cherry blossoms and looked at me with haunted eyes.
"You still love her though she deserted you? After all this time?"
I nodded, and though we both saw different faces, we both said the same word,
Albus' eyes grew wet as he looked at the two of us. "I, as well."
And so three friends drawn together by broken hearts and lost love dealt meaningless cards to one another into the dregs of the hollow night.