Hibbs, the cub with no clue, here.
I am on the run for Canada. I want to see Wendy in person.
You writers live in such a weird world : I mean how strange is the world of words when skating on thin ice can land you in hot water?
Or it may not be you can live on words alone,
especially when sometimes you have to eat them!
You know, traveling as I have with Mr. Roland lately,(especially after being rejected by ABNA),
I think you humans developed language because of your deep need to complain!
Now, come with me to Canada and Miss Wendy.
I hope I see one of those Royal Canadian Mounties so I can swipe one of their hats! http://waitingforpublication.blogspot.com/
Hi Roland - The Medicine Man quote is brilliant - walk softly on the earth .. we are all created .. love all.
ReplyDeleteThe photo of Hibbs is gorgeous .. and the Easter Bunny trailer .. will be great for the kids .. if I had one I'd go! Cheers Hilary
Yes, Hibbs -- come to Canada! We need more bears!
ReplyDeleteYAY ROLAND!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Hilary, that line was AMAZING!
Have a great day! :D
Hilary : I'm glad you liked the Medicine Man quote. I thought it a great thought to carry into the week. Hibbs thinks he's very photogenic, too! LOL.
ReplyDeleteDebra She Who Seeks : Hibbs asks, "Ah, it isn't hunting season for bears, now, is it?"
T.D. : Thanks for liking that line. May your week be all you hope it to be, Roland
Awww...bears just gotta have fun!
ReplyDeleteALLEDED AUTHOR : At least, Hibbs thinks so! Thanks for commenting, Roland
ReplyDeleteYes, we humans have complaining built into our genes. Hugs on ABNA. You didn't need that competition, anyway!
What a beautiful quote to start the week - thank you!
ReplyDeleteI hope Hibbs, that you are enjoying your travels.
ReplyDeleteIt is a wonderful quote.
ReplyDeletePoor Hibbs is going to be exhausted by the end of this blog tour. It isn't winter, so he can't even hibernate. POOR HIBBS.
Well Canada's a long way but I'm dusting off my broomstick.
I am, of course, still at work, doing the late shift. I notice that neither of my comments to Wendy have stuck. Maybe some nefarious enemy of Hibbs has coated Wendy's comment section with Teflon!
ReplyDeleteLydia : Thanks for the kind words about ABNA. One judge accused me of stealing Victor's story from Disney's THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG -- which I haven't seen by the way. Sigh.
Margo : Isn't that quote a great one to start the week with?
Summer : Hibbs is grumbling about not getting frequent walking DreamTime miles! LOL.
Thanks for thinking about poor Hibbs' plight. He rowls a Thank You your way.
Denise : Thanks for visiting Wendy and me -- oops a blood drive just came steamrollering in! Roland
Very nice to meet you Hibbs! You're very welcome up here in Canada - heck, we've still got lots of snow, even though it's spring. Hope you have a great visit :-)
ReplyDeleteDeniz : Hibbs is happy to receive your hospitality. He loves making snowbears! LOL. Roland
ReplyDeleteHa, funny :) sorry you were rejected by ABNA Roland.
ReplyDeleteI'll go check out Wendy now . .
Donna : It was being called a thief by the judge that stung most. Thanks for sticking with my blog tour!