So you can read my books

Friday, January 24, 2014


{Maxine courtesy of the genius of Leonora Roy}
Some characters take on a life of their own with readers. 

They plead for more adventures of the characters who supported the major ones in your novels. 

Maxine, the Goblin Princess for example.

Christine Rains:

wanted to see another story of Maxine, the Goblin Princess, from END OF DAYS.

So, Christine, here is Maxine shopping in a Toy Store of the Damned in the haunted French Quarter:


Genesis backwards: first light, now darkness. It sprang at me like a nebulous panther. I dropped the coffee mug I was going to buy.

A hollow tinny laughter echoed from all around me. Though winter was kept at bay by the store's heater system, it still visited my blood.

A demon child giggled to my left. Swift movement. My cell phone was snatched off my belt. I snarled as it was flung back into my face.

I caught it in mid-air. The battery was missing. Something didn’t want me calling for help.

As if.

The demon girl’s voice tittered from the toy shelves above me. “Aren’t you big to be visiting the doll section?”

A human would have been blind. I saw the fragments of the mug. It had read: I RATHER BE BARBIE.

I wanted to buy it. I was going to tell Higgins, Trish, Becca, and Alice I bought it as a joke. But the joke was on me. I would have given the soul I did not have to be Barbie.

“I always wanted a dollie,” I murmured, pulling the unlit candle from under my belt.

The demon girl’s voice now came to my left. “Aw, Mommie wouldn’t buy you one?”

“Mother took one look at me at birth, saw I looked like Father, and deserted the both of us.”

Demon Girl was right behind me. “Daddy that ugly?”

I flowed forward in the Parkour roll Victor taught me. The razor swipe would have sheared off a lock of my hair if my head weren’t shaved.

I laughed bitterly. “No, Father was that … human.”

The Victorian doll, with the deadly razor in its porcelain hand, stepped back in shock. “Human?”

I gathered the darkness to me like a lover. Now, Demon Girl was blind. I touched Mother’s spirit within the marrow of my bones. The candle started to melt at its end. I traced Mother’s symbol on the floor in melted wax.

No, not a pentagram. You’re thinking Hollywood. The doll slashed wildly this way and that. I grinned cold as my soul.

I always wanted a doll. If you are lonely enough, you can convince yourself the sparkling eyes hold real love, the painted lips smile in true friendship.

If you are lonely enough.

I watched the doll step on Mother’s symbol.

Snap went the trap.

I snatched her up. She was bound to me.

I smiled, “I’ll call you Malice.”


  1. Going shopping in the toy section after dark? Don't all the toys come alive? I always imagined they did, but I never liked clown dolls. Why? I don't know, I'm not fond of monkeys or clowns, and I quit playing with dolls early for a camera. Never had or wanted a Barbie.

    Maxine seems very capable of handling herself well. And now she has her dollie. . .

  2. D.G.:
    Maxine wanted TO BE Barbie, normal, beautiful ... and wanted.

    A doll for her was someone to pretend with that she was all of those things.

    You probably were creeped out by IT, either the movie or the book by King!!

    Eventually Maxine sets Malice free, only to be stunned that the living doll stays with her.

    Thanks for visiting and chatting. :-)

  3. That was a cool flash Roland. I think being Barbie is over rated, better to be a ** Bratz.


  4. Love it. Who of us doesn't have Maxine moments. Malice has cloned herself though, she might choose to stay with Maxine, but she visits rather a lot of others too.
    I am taking time out from the blogosphere, and checked in to see how you are doing - and am so very glad (and grateful) that I did.

  5. Donna:
    Maxine is naturally a Bratz! :-) She longs for the normal childhood she never had and for the normal life she knows she can never live.

    Elephant's Child:
    Malice will eventually get to live more adventures than she thought possible inside that toy store -- and to have a friend something she never thought to possess.

    I am glad you did check in. I am still apprehensive about the future, but my times are in The Father's Hand. :-) Don't be a stranger, hear?
