So you can read my books

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Empress Meilori Shinseen, here
Before I speak of my title, I want you to visit the blog of the human, David Walson:
He has written wonderfully of my mate, Samuel.  Thus, when I ascend the throne to this world, I will let him live.
If you visit his blog and comment favorably, I will consider letting you live as well.  But be quick.  I am not patient despite my long life ... or perhaps because of it.
You raise an eyebrow at my mentioning ruling you, human?  Someone needs to.  It is your nature to destroy yourselves.
How evil you say of my ambition to rule this world.
There is no evil.
You protest.  Oh, how Good is lauded through the ages. 
Yes, you praise dead saints ...
                                     and kill live ones.
Of Good, your species thinks always of wisdom, tolerance, kindliness, generosity, humility.
And of Evil you list the qualities of cruelty, greed, self-interest, and domination.
 And yet in your structure of society, the so-called Good qualities inevitably lead to failure, while Evil insures success in business and politics.
So in practice, you humans would rather be successful than Good.
But in retrospect, there is no Good -- only weak potential for survival.
And there is no Evil -- only strong potential for survival.
And yet, because of my love for Samuel,
I find myself doing what you humans would describe as Good though I see the wisdom of Evil.
Ah, the history of love is writ with the pen of but one heart at a time.
Now, go!  Visit David Walson. 
The portents are thick in the night and madness dances in the shadows.  Your time is short.


  1. Words do have the power to turn a woman's heart, if given at the right moment.

    As Meilori directs, I will do. Off to check out David's blogpost.

  2. If asked I would have said that I challenge authority. Not all authority obviously since I have just been to visit David's post.

  3. Yikes!!! Am I too late!?! Oh but what's all this blahblahblahyackitysmackity?!?! LOL! And who is David Walson?! Where is Roland!?Oh I'm scared! *shivers*!

    Take care

  4. Thank you for allowing me the chance of life...and sharing Sam .

  5. Already visited David this morning! He did well by Samuel.

  6. I read David's blog, but for some reason, I can't comment, I don't get the comment box. Is it Wordpress? Anyway, if others can, it's probably me. No idea why.

    I've tried twice, that's it.

  7. D.G.:
    I used FIREFOX to visit David's site, but it would not allow me to comment. I used Internet Explorer, and I could comment. How strange. It is Maija's, Meilori's evil twin sister, doing I bet. And looking at Meilori, you just know how bad Maija is if she is the Bad Sister!!

    Thanks for trying twice!

    Elephant's Child:
    I bet it was really curiosity that got you to visit. :-) Thanks for visiting whatever the reason!! I'm glad to have you as a new friend.

    No matter how dark, how threatening the surroundings, there will always be Samuel McCord, tall, bloody, unbowing -- standing between you and the shadows.

    Thanks for visiting here and at David's. It's good to have you as a friend.

    The thanks are all mine: for doing such a great post, and wanting to in the first place! It was a grand thing you did. :-)

    You wrote such a great comment. Thanks so much for the eloquence. For your words, Meilori has forbidden the ghost of Mark Twain to ever kidnap you again! :-)

  8. I'm happy to have found my way over here from David's. And I'd love to have a guest post if you're interested (as we were talking about there). Shoot me an email at and we'll get something put together!

  9. Meradeth:
    I've emailed you a rough draft. I hope you give DEATH IN THE HOUSE OF LIFE a try!

  10. Ref: Of Good, your species thinks always of wisdom, tolerance, kindliness, generosity, humility.

    And of Evil you list the qualities of cruelty, greed, self-interest, and domination.

    And yet in your structure of society, the so-called Good qualities inevitably lead to failure, while Evil insures success in business and politics.

    So in practice, you humans would rather be successful than Good.

    Wow...I can't begin to say how those words alone could easily be chiseled into a stone to describe society.

  11. Angela:
    As an alien being, Meilori has a unique perspective on humanity. It is sometimes hard to argue with her take on Man and his inhuMANity. Thanks for visiting and commenting. :-)
