So you can read my books

Sunday, December 15, 2024



The magic memories of Christmas that most of us treasure are unique to each of us.


 Yet, sometimes clarity comes only upon reflection. 


We get so caught up with the tugs and pulls of the season that we miss the truly priceless people and moments. 


 If we but reflect we will see that 


We were blind to the love healing us and holding us tight in the arms, words, and actions of those we too often took for granted.



we were innocent enough to see fairies dancing upon frosted lake surfaces, 


to taste the falling snow, 


and to laughingly make snow-angels.


 As adults the world is too much with us. 


 Yet, The Great Mystery has given us one month out of 12 to see the world as the child we once were, 


the child we can once again be if only we put down the hates and anguish that only harm us anyway.



If the yellow, green, red, and blue lights don’t twinkle with their normal festive happiness 


and instead glower like warning beacons, it is the mind that views them that has changed.


 The magic is still there, waiting for the child you once were to believe in it again.


By years of Hurt and Anger, you have closed the door to it. 


 But each time you smile to a hurried face that seems lost in life, 


each time you back up to allow a weary older person in line ahead of you,


each time you pause to look at the snow-layered buildings as the child you once were would see them --


you open the door to that Christmas Magic a little wider.


Every day you live can be magical 

if you work at it.  



The path of least resistance 

is to live in a world leeched of its color and vitality 

by Anger and Hate. 


 Choose to find the laughter and beauty as you live each hour.  


Each laugh, each act of compassion is a brushstroke that adds the color of magic back to your life.


The magic of Christmas has nothing to do with decorations, lights, presents, Christmas trees or anything so material.

It has everything to do with a little girl’s smile 

and a mom who buys real candy canes for their tree 

so she can hear her little girl giggle as they decorate it together.

Give a smile or a laugh to someone.  

The present you will receive will be ... 


The gifts we give that matter most 

are the ones that cannot be 

bought or sold. 

Me and Midnight looking for that Christmas Star

The love we share and the memories we leave behind, 

are the greatest gifts we can give. 


They are the only gifts 

that last a lifetime.

Talking about gifts ...

Mystery, Murder, and
Christmas ghosts

on location in New Orleans
during the filming of a
cursed Hitchcock movie.

The Kindle book (99 cents)
is chilling

The audiobook narrated
by the late Scott O'Dell,
victim of last year's Florida hurricanes,
is downright spellbinding.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


 Novellas (long short stories) are starting to make a comeback.

But they have been around for a while.

  • Animal Farm (George Orwell)
  • A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens)
  • Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
  • The Turn of the Screw (Henry James)
  • The Time Machine (H.G. Wells)

Now. they are starting to rear their print heads again.

Jason Arthur of Penguin Random House was quoted as saying

 “If a novel is something that you can lose yourself in, get comfortable in and spend weeks reading, a short story will give you a blast like a cold shower.”

 Stephen King loves reading and writing short stories.  

So do I.

I will take his advice:

"You should write because it brings you happiness and fulfillment. I did it for the pure joy of the thing. And if you can do it for joy, you can do it forever.”

I did a collection of new short stories -

 (which includes these new tales)


 A post WWII movie lot at night.  A sociopathic prop master.  

A severed hand. A dying actress. 

All elements of a strange revenge whose victim is not who you think.


A small village that hates God. 

 A series of mysterious disappearances of its priests. 

And why do the rose bushes of the rectory bloom so lushly?


The things that death can buy are often not what they seem. An aging crime lord finds that the dead are past bargaining with.




Sunday, December 8, 2024

Someone With Skin On



Black Friday.  Cyber Monday.

We celebrate Christmas but often not from a Christian perspective.

If people enjoyed giving and receiving gifts, 

it might make Christmas healing in some way.

But most do not.  

Many feel obligated to spend too much for too many.

Is it because we have forgotten to be thankful and filled with awe at the gift of Christ, 

at the gift of our being able to love even if we do not feel loved?

A young boy kept coming out of his bedroom during a lightning storm 

to stand at his parents' bedroom door.

"No need to be afraid, honey," said the sleepy mother.  "God is with you."

"I need someone with skin on," he sobbed.

We all do at some point in our lives.  

Perhaps that is why God came to us wearing a human body --

 to give us someone with skin on.

But what if we do not believe in Christ 
or any God during Christmas?

For one month out of 12, 

Christmas Season gives so many a chance to bless those around us 

in ways that warm not only the receiver but the giver as well.

Giving someone a needed gift is like giving them a fragrant rose.  

Some of the perfume stays with you.

If for one month out of the year, 

we find ourselves remembering the magic and innocence of childhood dreams --

Christmas has still given us 
a special present.


Tuesday, December 3, 2024




The Ghost of Christmas Never To Be ... 

Perhaps Christmas 
will never be as innocent 
as we remember
 because we are not 
as innocent as we were then.

Families were bigger in the Christmases of the Past

Now, single child families are the norm ...
where Mommy and Daddy 
may be separated, divorced, or 
never together
in the first place.

is now the word that comes to mind
at the mention of
for many
 when once it used to be 


Christmas has become a season of sorrow for many women who can barely put food on the table, 

much less presents under the tree. 

My mother was one such person.

Weeknight movies were cheaper than weekend showings.  

On the way back to our basement apartment, 

we would walk down dark, scary streets holding hands

and singing our theme song, Side By Side:

Oh! We ain`t got a barrel of money
Maybe we`re ragged and funny
But we`ll travel along
Singing a song
Side by side

With no money for a tree, 

Mother scooped up the largest fallen branch from the lot selling them and brought it home.

Topped with shiny aluminum scraps from Hershey's kisses, 

it was just as wonderful to me as the one in New York's Time Square.


Can be conjured to push back the 4th Christmas Ghost, if we but cling to the truth that love and imagination

is within the heart of each of us to share 

with all those in our world who are going through harder times than they appear.

{Only $1.99}

Celebrate Christmas Eve in 1946 
New Orleans. 
The ghost of Charles Dickens 
recommends it!

Sunday, December 1, 2024



The recycled air was hushed.  

My scientists assured me we were on the brink of 

a revolutionary breakthrough in interstellar technology. 

I had it on better authority they were wrong. 

I sat alone in the crowded dining area of my scientific star vessel, Pequod.  

I was carving the baby Jesus from a very sensitive compound 

to put in the manger of my one of a kind Nativity Scene on my table.

I watched the woman pry herself from the squirming mass of scientists, decadent rich, and media stars.  

Clothes were archaic.  

Body paint was the rage.  Many of their bodies were painted to create the illusion of wearing clothes.

It was the sorry story of Man: 

Rebellion replaced new restraints for the old.  Conformity was the jailer of the soul, the enemy of freedom.  

 It was no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. 

I scandalized the passengers by being clothed in my black Stetson, broadcloth jacket, shirt, jeans, and boots.  

I was determined to die with my boots on.  

General Custer would be so proud of me.

I sighed as I studied the approaching woman.  

Fashion Obesity was all the rage in the populated worlds 

as were women's heads scalped to look like hard boiled eggs.

Rocio Facundo, the darling of slit-throat reporting.  

She had been responsible for so many suicides, she was called Lady Death.  

That name would not sit well with my expected guest.  Rocio twitched continually as she approached me. 

Two reasons:

One - 

humans were addicted to the feel of others' bodies pressed against them. 

Two - 

humans now needed constant stimulation so much that most had neural stimulators implanted into their brains.

When she spoke, Rocio affected an Argentine accent.  

Five hundred years ago, when the world finally succumbed to Man's cascading failure

to deal with terrorism, nationalism, and bacteria, Argentina had been the only country on earth to survive.

Rocio frowned as only some of her words were heard at my table.  

Lady Lovelace's last invention was her sound-filter of "colorful metaphors" as she called them, 

crying as she did so, thinking of the end of my son, Victor, and his wife, Alice.

Rocio's lips were glowing, letting me know we were being broadcast to her vicious, sadistic viewers.

"McCord, what harm are you festering here, breaking the law sitting by yourself?  

You know that privacy has been outlawed as the lone citizen is a potential risk to society!"

"As has heterosexuality," murmured Rind, suddenly appearing in the seat beside me dressed in a mini-skirted black Gestapo uniform.

It was hard to believe that the Nazi nightmare had faded in the memory of Man.  

Myself, I still couldn’t rid myself of the images of freeing the few pitiful survivors of the death camps. 

I remembered too much, understood too little.

Rind purposely flung back her long silver hair as a slap to the fashion-addicted Rocio.  

"Samuel, you named your craft Pequod.  How poetic of you."

Rocio rasped, "Teleportation in a moving star craft is not possible!"

Rind smiled icily.  

"The good news is that soon, child, you will not need to delete any more memories to make room for more."

Rocio frowned, "McCord, what does this out-of-date hag 

(eternal adolescence had been achieved by the Thymus Implants) 

mean by poetic?"

I said, "Pequod was named for the Pequot tribe of Native Americans who once inhabited New England during the 17th century, 

but were annihilated during the Pequot War and are now as extinct as compassion."

I sighed, "Call it foreshadowing."

Rocio frowned, "I do not understand."

Rind smiled, "You and the known universe will when this craft's Heisenberg Drive is activated."

Rocio said, "That fantastic drive will fold known space in ways that will allow Man to be a galaxy away in an eye-blink."

“It's nice to be sure," I said, finishing carving the detonator as the Baby Jesus, 

leaving his face an empty space as was befitting the Great Mystery.

A phalanx of armed guards tramped to my table as Rocio pointed at me with an accusing forefinger. 

 "See!  Against Galactic Statute, McCord is practicing religion."

I shook my Stetson-covered head.  "Don't do religion … just being respectful."

"Arrest him!" cried Rocio.

The guards' leader gruffed to me.  "Shall we eject her into open space, Captain?"

I shook my head again.  "It would be redundant."

I flicked cold eyes to Rocio.  

"As long as there has been Man, a fella could always buy the law if he had enough money."

I sighed.  We increasingly lived in a world that forgets.

 Companies had almost no sense of their own history, 

while politicians positively reveled in the fact that voters couldn’t remember 

(or chose to forget) 

lies, deceptions and even criminal behavior. 

That was a problem because power was essentially a battle between memory and forgetting.

I could tell my Head of Security to forcibly download Rocio’s memory of me into my ship's Recycle Bin.  

But in a moment that would be unnecessary.

"Bring her back to her womb of 'friends.'"

I turned to Rind, the Angelus of Death. "There are beds of kelp smarter than Man is right now.  But you're sure the Great Mystery says it's time?"

Rind smiled as if it were a raw wound.  "Our Victor would call it Existence's Blue Christmas."

"Now, it's me that doesn't understand."

Rind lightly touched the empty manager.  "When He was born, the sky was in red shift, the stars and galaxies heading away from your planet."

She sighed, "Now, outside this vessel, your eyes would see the blue shift as all descends into the center."

Her winter frost eyes grew wet and snowflakes flew up from them. 

"I have come for the universe, Samuel.  Trigger the Uncertainty Drive of this vessel and start the chain-reaction."

Her voice became that of a little girl's.  "When none live will I cease to exist?"

Inserting the Baby Jesus into the manger triggering devise, I smiled sadly.  "He promised Forever."