So you can read my books

Saturday, April 6, 2019

FEAR: #AToZChallenge

 “Why do you want to 
make up horrible things
 when there is so much 
real horror in the world? 

The answer seems to be 
that we make up horrors 
to help us cope with the real ones.”

 - Stephen King

Fear can be uncomfortable and crippling. 

But eliminating it would be the equivalent 
of taking down your home alarm system
 because it makes loud sounds.

 Is fear your ally or enemy? 

The more you understand about fear
the less scared of life you will be.

 "We must travel
in the direction
of our fear."
- John Berryman

“Tell your heart that 
the fear of suffering is worse 
than the suffering itself."
Paulo Coelho


  1. I like the quote from Stephen King best. In order to put the real world's horrors into perspective, we have to make up fictional ones with good characters dealing with them. The more fantastical the horror, at least for me, the better since it becomes a metaphor for real horror and helps us to put the world's chaos of fear into a form that can be better dealt with. Thanks for sharing these quotes!

    1. Thanks for enjoying them, Steven. :-) I, like you, believe horror in media are metaphors for the horrors that boil all around us in the real world.

  2. If you are in the midst of some real horror or other, fear is natural and OK. I don't like fear that prevents you from doing things that could widen your horizons, show you great places, teach you valuable lessons, for example: flying in a single engine small air plane, or riding a horse on a thin ledge with a steep drop down a cliff. I have done both of those things, both led to wonderful experiences, but I would never do either again.

    1. In a classic Western written by the talented Elmore Leonard, Valdez is asked, "You hunted buffalo?"

      "No, Apache."


      "Before I learned better."

      Sometimes we look back on the thrilling things we did in past years and shake our heads, right? :-)

  3. The only thing that I fear right now is giving birth to my Child! I think fear is natural as it helps us prepare in advance for things that we are fearful of!
    Stephen King's quote is also true - we imagine more fearful things to cope with real situation!
    I think right dose of fear is necessary for life else our lives will not be progressive.

    Read mine here -

    1. I do not blame you for feeling apprehensive over child birth. I pray your delivery is as quick and as endurable as possible.

  4. Great post!

    Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: Fleeting Fancy
