So you can read my books

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Be the Eye of the Hurricane_IWSG POST

The storm of COVID-19 is all around us.  

We must strive to be eye of that hurricane. 

Easier said than done, right?

I don't know where you are in this storm.  I have no crystal ball.  

And the only gypsy I know is a ghost cat ... and you know cats ... ghost cats are even worse in telling you anything.

They just roll their eyes at the dumb things we humans do.

Anna has an interesting title to her IWSG post: Don't Drink the Kool-Aid:

In Florida, the college students are still packing the sands for spring break ... nary a mask on any of them.

The Mardi Gras parades were a virus bomb which is now making New Orleans the new epicenter for the coronavirus.

As of last week, masks were not worn by the donor techs where ... don't want to frighten the donors. Sigh.

I am looked at strangely because of my mask ... but not at the hospitals I deliver blood to.  They all wear masks.

Besides, I have a co-worker who coughs her congested cough with her mouth open ... every other minute.

I'm in the wrong age bracket to not wear a mask.

We should learn the Lessons of 
the Spanish Flu of 1918

But enough about me.  
What do you think about me?

No. Just joking.
 How are you doing?

Try to boost your immune system by taking:
Getting enough sleep.

Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2
Vitamin C
Echinacea & Golden Seal
Elderberry  Syrup
A good Probiotic

Every Storm passes.

Panic is your worst enemy.

Use your mind,

Take refuge in the Father.

Know you are not alone.

My heart is with you all. 


  1. Perhaps those Spring Break revelers will help build herd immunity. That's what I'm hoping. Gave Requiem a little shout out today and will post my review soon. Here's to staying safe.

    1. They are sure that if they get it that they will recover. But recovered patients often have permanent lung damage. Sad. :-(

  2. Good, simple advice. Hubby and I have been hunkering down for over 2 weeks now. So far, so good. Stay safe, Roland. You have such a vital job and I bet you're seeing things the rest of us never will. ((hugs))

    1. I know what I do is important, but it is still unsettling to put myself at risk in those hospitals and seeing what I see.

  3. Don't worry what others think. Keep your mask on. And trust in God.

    1. My times are in the Father's Hand. I try to keep my mask on under the company's radar ... they don't want to frighten the donors. We have to have our temperatures taken before we enter the building. But they are running out of probe covers and want us to reuse them? Wow.

  4. Thanks for the plug and the giggle. I'm safe and count my blessings while I have them. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  5. Great post, Rolland! I'm always amazed at the power of stupid out there and am happily sheltering at home. So thankful for those who pass on knowledge and hope!

    1. Thanks for liking my post, Nancy. As Midnight says, "Never underestimate the power of stupid!" :-)

  6. I do take Echinacea. Daily. Plus a bunch of other vitamins from the best brand on the market. Plus I exercise. And I'm vegan. (Probably why I've only had the flu twice in the last 20-25 years.)

    But when I have to venture out Friday to what everyone says is an overcrowded store, I am taking my face mask.

    1. Vegans often have zinc deficiency ... and zinc boosts your immune system ... so take some zinc. :-) And wear that mask out!

  7. I love beaches, and I think Mardi Gras (a.k.a. Carnival as my culture calls it) is a groovy festival, but too many people are just a bit too attached to these things (including beach parties). And when I say that, I mean that they'll even do them in the face of death which this plague has pretty much been. Sometimes we just have to make sacrifices for the greater good of humanity which includes each of us. I'm also beginning to learn that masks should be worn to reduce your chances of getting sick rather just to avoid spreading germs. I can't say for sure, but it's beginning to look that way.

    A supplement I've been taking that someone introduced to me is Immune Factor. I only started taking it so I can't really say how well it works; I'm just hoping it will work well enough. It looks like it's mostly made of natural herbs and vitamins though.

    1. In all things we must use our common sense. If invisible death comes from the noses and mouths of random strangers, staying out of crowds seems prudent, right? :-)

      I wish you luck with Immune Factor, Steven!

  8. I have the almost identical photo of my cat... expect he's white and naked, just home from the hairdressers. Stay safe, eh.


    2. Midnight is his own hairdresser! :-)

  9. Because of the idiots who didn't take this seriously, those of us who've self-isolated from the beginning will have to stay quarantined while they catch up so we don't get reinfected. We are even staying away from our grandkids, and I miss them terribly. Stay safe. This too shall pass.

    1. You stay safe, too. Mardi Gras should have been cancelled this year, and now we in Louisiana are paying the deadly price. :-(
