So you can read my books

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

DRACULA was born today!

The first copies of  DRACULA went on sale on this day in London in 1897.

An invalid most of his childhood, Bram became a soccer star at Trinity College in Dublin.

Image by AnnRos from Pixabay

From writing drama reviews for THE DUBLIN MAIL he went to being the secretary for the noted stage actor, Sir Henry Irving.

 It is a unique horror story, told from a variety of diaries and journals of its cast of characters 

(no one having the complete story), 

it is a precursor of sorts for the "found footage" genre of cinema.

In my own END OF DAYS,

Samuel McCord and Father Renfield, the father of THAT Renfield, 

teach a class of troubled preternatural teens how to piece together the truth of what they see from DRACULA.

On this day in 1891, EDITH WHARTON's first short story, Mrs. Manstey's View, was published by Scribner's Magazine.

She did not come from the write what you know school.  

She was 29, brought up in wealth and high society, and was recently married to a prominent banker. And she was quite opposite to her destitute heroine. 

Samuel Pepys died this day in 1703, aged 70. 

The detailed private diary that Pepys kept from 1660 until 1669 was first published in the 19th century 

and is one of the most important primary sources for that period ...

It holds first hand accounts of 

the Great London Fire, the Second Dutch War, and the Great Fire of London.

Just think of the great events you have seen in the past 20 years.  

What a thrilling memoir for later generations you could write of them.  

Do you have the time now?


  1. I don't do memoirs as far as writing them goes. That could change in the future though, depending on how well my fiction writing goes. Can't write an "On Writing" memoir like Stephen King if you haven't published enough or gained enough recognition. Lol But then what's considered "enough recognition"? Not one size fits all writers, to use a cliche.

    The segment on "Dracula" was neat. The great thing about that novel is that they bring out the effect of realism by narrating via letters and diaries.

    1. Dracula as a novel is truly unique. Pepys kept a journal. Our grandchildren might be interested in ours during this time.

      I wish you better success with your writing, Steven! :-)

      My blood runs during this Covid-19 crisis is taking up nearly all my free time hence the reduced input of posts here.

  2. I remember reading this when I was younger and then being afraid to sleep on my own. Good times.

    1. As a little boy I slept with a sock draped across my throat because of my fear of vampires! :-)

  3. You should really put something in your Blogger profile.
