Last week Amazon Vella, after having approved my revised two chapters,
decided to block my whole story.
All 22 chapters and 50,000 words of it. Ouch!
Lake Pleasant: a city as toxic as the lake for which it is named.
It is a city where anything can happen so long as it is terrible, and innocence has a short life span.
The powerful rule, and the weak scurry for the
dubious safety of the shadows.
Sometimes they scurry to the impoverished detective, Adam Black.
“Black Magic” he is called on the streets.
He refuses to explain his name. Any explanation would be ignored,
but his silence unsettles those who
prowl the shadows.
The crime boss, Anthony Vincent, has a job for Black: find his missing daughter.
The fee for success: Black gets to live.
Vincent is dying.
All the would-be successors circle Black in his search
for some secret to topple the dying King.
Adam Black is aware they are playing a game against opponents
for whom they are no match.
It is a dark secret that would be his death if it were known he possessed it:
reality has been invaded by beings thrust against their will onto this earthly plane …
and want nothing more than to return,
though the door
has revolved again to other stranger shores.