1. EARN 60% Royalties on your HARDBACK! (Less Cost of Printing)
Yes, KDP offers the same on paperbacks, but you set the price for both formats, and folks will pay more for a book that feels substantial in their hands.
2. You reach NEW readers
Some readers feel that Kindle books, even paperbacks, are not REAL books, not quality ...
just toss-offs with no true effort put behind their creation.
3. PAPERBACKS are a glut in the marketplace.
KDP has just recently offered the ability to put out a hardcover of your book.
Don't you wish you had been on the ground floor of the Kindle craze?
4. Your COVER looks AWESOME in glossy Hardcover.
I received Proof copies of two of my hardcovers at work and received orders for the Hardcover from my co-workers just by their seeing how great they looked in that format.
5. Hardcovers' spines look GREAT on your readers' bookshelves.
I have had long-time readers ask for HARDCOVER copies of paperbacks they have already bought for that reason.
ALL of my DARK HOLLYWOOD SAGA is now in Hardcover!
(Just in time for Christmas, my French Quarter homage to Charles Dickens is out!)