So you can read my books

Monday, November 5, 2012


I'm thankful for my friends in the void of cyber-space who visit and care enough to comment.
Between birth and burial, we find ourselves in a comedy of mysteries.
If you don't think life is mysterious, if you believe you have it all mapped out,
could you please send me your map?
Most of the time we writers labor with the world around us not understanding our dreams.
You who visit the cyber-home of this weary blood courier, with illusions of becoming a writer, are most welcome,
for you understand our mutual journey in the dark.
And if you don't think life's a comedy, I am both happy and sad for you.
 The rest of us need people with whom we can laugh.
Victor Standish believes that his mother was trying to tell him something important
in that strange bus trip to New Orleans:
  Life is a bus ride,
and at the many stops along the route,
people important to us debark,
never to get on board again,
until by the end of the journey,
we sit in a bus where most of the seats are empty.
Thank all of you, my friends,
for visiting
and sitting in the seat next to me
and chatting, making the trip
all the more enjoyable for your company! 


  1. I prefer to call them dreams, Roland. All I need is the Blue Fairy.

    I once rode the bus for 600 miles to get home early from a vacation. I would have gone crazy except for a 7 yr old boy who sat next to me and then told me the story of his life. He made that trip bearable for me, as I tried to ease his fears at being on his own, so young. (like Victor, I guess).

  2. D.G.:
    All of us need dreams that is for certain. Thank you for always having my back. I bet you made that young boy's ride a memorable and happy one! Seeing so many very young on their own in buses or on planes makes my heart ache.

    Have a great tomorrow, Roland

  3. Thank you, Roland. This blogging community we are priviledged to belong to is wonderful. Supportive and friendly, I am so glad to be part of it and to have *meet* bloggers like yourself. Best wishes across the miles :)

  4. Hi Roland .. great story - and I'd love to ride a bus with you one day. When I lived in London I always used to say to myself as I tried to catch a bus (they were full usually!) .. I was playing a game. The game of which bus of chance ... which opportunity would arise.

    I love DG's bus ride - I'm sure her little co-rider loved his trip and will be memorable to him for ever more..

    Bloggers are amazing - it's wonderful to meet so many like-minded souls ... I am thankful too .. cheers Hilary

  5. I normally hate the bus, but I'll ride one with you, Roland!

  6. With you, that ride is never boring Roland! Great analogy and of course, I love that Josh Groban song

  7. Suzanne:
    So far it has been a lovely bus ride with you. We do have a warm community here, don't we? GoodRead seems often harsh which is why I do not visit there often.

    I have enjoyed this bus ride with you so far. D.G.'s 600 miles does seem quite a long one though! But for the young boy it must have been made so much easier for her company.

    It is odd, isn't it what window or door or bus will open for us, isn't it? I like to think it is The Father nudging us in the way we should go. :-)

    We're taking a bit of a bus ride together right now. :-) I misplaced your address to send you the autograph you won. Would you mind sending it to me again?

    I love most of the songs Josh Groban does, too. It is always fun to look at the passenger seat beside me and see you. Roland

  8. i love how you voice your thoughts with such deep expression laced with humor!
    you added depth & laughter to our fest!
    thank you!

  9. Tara:
    Thank you for inviting along on YOUR bus ride. Laughter is always a boon companion in the darkness. We help each other in this community, right? :-)

  10. What depth you have brought to our fest, I second that. What a thoughtful post, thank you for joining in.

  11. Vikki:
    Thank you for inspiring me with your blogfest. :-) Thanks even more for visiting and staying to comment. Roland

  12. Thanks, Jo:
    I think you're pretty special yourself! :-) Love your avatar.
