So you can read my books

Monday, June 15, 2015


"Passed moments seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a dark cloud, formidable from a distance."
- Alice Wentworth

This past weekend I drove over 750 miles and stopped counting the hours worked after 21.

I received a rather caustic email reprimanding me for not visiting my blogger friends when they visit me.  

On the weekends like this one as the past several in the past -- that simply is not possible.

That is not an issue on my last post -- no one commented. :-)

I lost a follower after my post on profanity ... Damn.  :-)

If I have offended any of my friends, sorry.  

There is no way to hold on to someone who wants to go.  

All we can do is appreciate who and what we have while we have it.

Thank all of you who have been my friends. 

 “When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. 

"A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'.” 
- Groucho Marx


  1. I know the hours you keep and am never offended if you don't visit. I understand. Sorry I missed the profanity one. I was on vacation last week. I did just comment on your earlier post. Just trying to play catch up!
    Don't worry - your real friends understand.

    1. I hope you enjoyed your vacation -- you deserve it! Thanks for the support. :-)

  2. Oh my goodness. It's hard to believe someone would send an email like that. I'm with Alex, your real friends understand. :)

    1. That's nice of you to say Kimberly. It's good to have friends like you, Alex, and Elephant's Child! That person needed someone to unleash upon, and I was lucky soul! :-)

  3. Sigh. That person's email says more about them than it does about you.

    1. Yes, my mother used to say the same thing about the vicious things bullies said of me at school. Thanks for reminding of my mother's wisdom. I would just hate to think I have offended my friends.

  4. I'm not offended, but I haven't had much time to visit lately, so I owe you an apology.


    1. No apology necessary. I just was concerned that emailer was not alone in feeling snubbed by me is all. :-)

  5. What a tough weekend you had! Too much work and not enough time with friends who really do care about you. Hey, we all miss posts sometimes and life can interfere with stuff we care about, but life still goes on.

    I love the Groucho Marx quote. It could be expanded into a short story!

    1. Not to mention not enough SLEEP! :-) I think Groucho's joke became a novel: THE NIGHT LIFE OF THE GODS by Thorne Smith. ;-)

  6. People will be what they will be. Guess they don't know what it is like to have to work and sleep. . . I haven't been blogging much either, as preparations for moving have been taking a lot of time. I try to visit blogger friends, but it's sporadic sometimes.

    1. Life sometimes gets in the way, right? Moving is the pits for me. Some hard-hearted renter cast out their cat again. Due to car repairs and medical bills, I couldn't immediately adopt Midnight (my name for him). But he got thinner and thinner so now he is undergoing the knife, shots, and blood tests -- I am cat-a-sizing my apartment with toys, litter boxes, and water and food dishes again. Sigh. Just call me the Cat Whisperer! :-)

    2. It's a kind heart you have, and a love of felines. You remember the cats who lived with you before. They can be good buddies!

    3. I'm a soft touch for lost, abandoned cats. But my other feline room-mates were female. Midnight is male and he may be more feisty than my furniture can endure! But I will think good thoughts. :-)

  7. Ha! I just figured you don't care for ghost towns or Arizona or nature or little people - Just Kidding! You'd stop by if you wanted and time permitted, no worries. I enjoy your posts. Write On, Roland!

    1. Hey, I was a Little Person once, and I am soon to have a feline litter person in my apartment! :-)

      I'm happy you like my posts. My HER BONES ARE IN THE BADLANDS is set in South Dakota in a town about to become a ghost town in 1927!

    2. I am over-the-moon- jealous! I love cats! Bless your heart for stopping by my blog :-) and I'm sure I'll enjoy your book, thanks! By the way, we (my little cowboy and I) loved "Hibbs"!

    3. I hope I end up loving Midnight -- he is a male, and you know what rascals they are!

      Were you the one who bought The Bear with Two Shadows recently? It is the continuation of Hibbs' adventures as a young adult bear -- still getting into trouble ... but this time with friends. :-)

      I'm glad your little cowboy and you enjoyed Hibbs' adventures in that mystic valley,.

  8. Hi Roland - Midnight sounds like he will be a blessing .. I'm so pleased for you ... they are delightful loving creatures.

    Crumbs - people are awful ... so unthinking ... the trouble is they post/email without thinking ...

    Cheers Hilary
