So you can read my books

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Did you know that wolves changed rivers in Yellowstone Park when re-introduced? 

Wolves in the strangest way created life.

And with the debut of the movie PAN --

Midnight loved both of them.
I thought you might, too.


  1. Hi Roland .. I love the Wolf one .. so was very happy watching that again; the other I couldn't get my head into ... but it was 'amusing'! Cheers Hilary

  2. Good Day My Friend, confidante and Inspirational Brother. It was Providence of Spirits that crossed our paths. Much like the Wolf and a Solo Camper, in the finest of Wilderness. Take Care My Modern Day Samuel Clemens, Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, whom were but mere mortals in the midst of "The Shaman"...!

    1. I hope you enjoyed Wolf Howl's adventures. :-) And I hope your birthday held only happy surprises. So great for you to visit and comment here.

    2. Thank You; Indeed, I love your Books. As it is soooo very great to see the progress and production of your numerous great books; which you have written over the last 15 years, since We saw each other last.

      If your email has changed, can you send it to me, via

      I often believe your a Saint in our Midst. Yes, I had a Grand Day.
      PS: we moved 6 months ago, into a 2nd story Apt in town, where we have or had 2 born and raised Lake Charles-ians. 1 just passed, the other about our age, and in good health. I miss the Blue Bayou State, and always will. I will attempt to do much better in keeping in touch, while not waiting a year to write. ((((HUGS))) My Divine Providential Friend and Brother in Spirit.....!

    3. PSS: Your Wit, Talent, and Outstanding Books, IMHO, reveal a great American Author of this Era. My Dear Friend, your talents are second to none.

      I am very very proud of how hard you have worked; to attain your dreams; (as well as the Honor of Knowing You as a Brother, Great Friend and Confidante. I hope you know, as I reflect, on My time in Lk. Charles, it was You and only You, who served as my primary Inspiration, as my closest Brother.

      It is exciting and rewarding to see Your Google+ Blogs have seen 7.468 Million Viewers, beyond INCREDIBLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS...!

  3. All because they drove the deer out of the valleys. That was fascinating. We hear of erosion due to humans, but I guess wildlife could do the same thing.

    1. Yes, Man thinks he knows and goes about messing things up! Too many deer and no wolves made Yosemite worse not better!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Brother Roland: I often think Mankind (Physics, & Space Scientist), will destroy this very Planet, in their vain attempts to (try) see the Face of God. What are your thoughts on Science possibly destroying Our Planet in pursuit of seeing both the face of God, and attempts to look beyond the Big bang???

      My own take on the J. Webb Telescope; being somewhat close to complete; & ready for delivery into Space. The Hadron Collider tho' I find scary, yet- perhaps there is no reason to fear.

      With each passing year, Scientist develop additional tools, to attempt to see beyond the Big Bang, found by Hubble; ie The James Webb Telescope. The Webb Scope will replace Hubble; while having a much further view of Space. Or The Hadron Collider, with its attempts to open a worm hole or portal to another dimension. I've enjoyed reading Kaku's Quantum Physics on String Theory. His theory contains hypothesis, (as You already know) - about having a wheel with many spokes, or "Other Dimensions," or "Alternative Dimensions" for the Human Spirit" once the body dies. Perhaps string theory is nothing more than route to Heavenly Plains which would allow the Human Holy Spirits to reside. This is no different than what Siddhartha said 3,500 years ago One must only look within, before they can see Life is Sacred enough, to be content with such.
      PS: is your email the same as it was last time I sent you an email, which has been a bit too long ago.
