So you can read my books

Saturday, September 12, 2015


The greatest arrogance of the present 
is to ignore the wisdom of the past.  

But that is the way of civilized man.

Did you know the world ended in 2012?  How then, did we not notice?

Follow the Trail to Yesterday with the last Lakota shaman, Wolf Howl.  

Madness howls from the stars.  The Mountains of Tomorrow tremble.

And the End of the Journey is the Beginning.

Wolf Howl, Nikola Tesla, Bast, and a buried ancient Egyptian tomb that is no tomb but a star craft.  

Life is not what you think ... nor is Armageddon. 

Read the complete 3 part epic adventure of Wolf Howl, the last shaman.

Just the cover alone is worth the price of the paperback.



  1. Hi Roland .. I'll be back to buy shortly ... sounds fascinating and it's in print - I need to redeem a gift voucher, so am not sure what else I need from the .com site.

    Yes - well I'm glad the world didn't end in 2012 ... cheers Hilary

    1. Yes, we would have missed so many good things if the world had ended then.Thanks for buying my book. I am sure Amazon will let you know how to use that voucher when you attempt to buy my book. :-)

      Whew! It's been a 12 hour 400 mile day!! With a bullying hospital tech who made me sorry for her patients who were at her mercy!!

  2. I love the cover and I will get the book. Maybe that's why I'm making room in my bookcases! Is this the last book in the Egyptian trilogy or the beginning of new adventures? I want to read the third Egyptian book, so please let me know. And again, that's a fabulous cover!

    1. Isn't that cover stunning? This book is not the last in the Egyptian Trilogy of Sam's -- but Meilori shows up as does Bast and Nikola Tesla -- and Meilori's star craft is a major player. It a future sequel of sorts for that Trilogy. I hope you enjoy it. :-)

  3. It's a gorgeous cover! So I'll be buying the trilogy, especially 'cause I'm old fashioned and just plain prefer old-fashioned books.

    1. I am really pleased how that cover turned out. I have 6 books out in paperback now. And one, CARNIVAL OF THE DAMNED, is only available in paperback. It feels good to look at my bookshelf and see 6 of my titles there "in the flesh" so to speak!! :-)

      Thank you so much for buying my book. It really helps after a 12 hour, 400 mile day capped with a bullying nurse at a distant hospital. She let me know that she was too important to deal with a menial like me but since the lab was closed she would do it today.

      Sigh. Little ego's must swagger large. Thank you again. :-)

  4. The cover is very evocative, Roland, and the story sounds wonderful. Need to add it to my TBR list! Shared it on Twitter <3

    1. Thanks for sharing it on Twitter That means a lot! I hope you like it when you get to it. :-)

  5. Congratulations on the new book! Glad to see you're busy as ever!

    1. Thanks, Lydia. Yes, busy as ever -- not that anyone is buying. But anyone can quit, right?

  6. Congratulations on the new book! Glad to see you're busy as ever!
